RightSense Interview Experience For AI/ML Internship

AI/ML internship technical interview experience on Feb 10, 2024

[Startup] – (30 mintues)

The interviewer introduced himself and about the company.

  • Self-introduction and asked for any certifications
  • Projects (need to present and explain each line of the code)
  • What is Rag?
  • Do you know about the streamlit?
  • How much rate is your rating in Python?
  • What algorithm you will use for better accuracy? and why?
  • Have you done projects related to GenAI?
  • If we offer a internship, what you will learn?
  • Have you known the recent updates of AI in recent days?
  • About transformers (and their mechanism)
  • Any past internship experience (in which domain you have worked).
  • Any questions for me?

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