RichTextField – Django Models

RichTextField is generally used for storing paragraphs that can store any type of data. Rich text is the text that is formatted with common formatting options, such as bold, italics, images, URLs that are unavailable with plain text.  



Django Model RichTextField Explanation

Illustration of RichTextField using an Example. Consider a project named w3wiki having an app named Beginner.

Refer to the following articles to check how to create a project and an app in Django.

Now install django-ckeditor package by entering the following command in your terminal or command prompt.

pip install django-ckeditor

Go to and add the ckeditor and the Beginner app to INSTALLED_APPS


# Application definition



Enter the following code into the file of the Beginner app.



from django.db import models
from django.db.models import Model
from ckeditor.fields import RichTextField
# Create your models here.
class BeginnerModel(Model):
    Beginner_field = RichTextField()



Now when we run makemigrations command from the terminal,


python makemigrations


A new folder named migrations would be created in Beginner directory with a file named



# Generated by Django 3.2.3 on 2021-05-13 09:40
import ckeditor.fields
from django.db import migrations, models
class Migration(migrations.Migration):
    initial = True
    dependencies = [
    operations = [
                ('id', models.BigAutoField(
                  auto_created=True, primary_key=True,
                  serialize=False, verbose_name='ID')),
                ('Beginner_field', ckeditor.fields.RichTextField()),

Now run,

python migrate

Thus, a Beginner_field RichTextField is created when you run migrations on the project. It is a field to store large data. Go to and register your model.


from django.contrib import admin
from .models import BeginnerModel
# Register your models here.

How to use RichTextField ?

RichTextField is used for storing large data of different types(images, URLs, bold text, etc) in the database. Now let’s check it in the admin server. Whenever we click on Add Beginner Model we can see a RichTextField

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