Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) for Knowledge-Intensive NLP Tasks

Natural language processing (NLP) has undergone a revolution thanks to trained language models, which achieve cutting-edge results on various tasks. Even still, these models often fail in knowledge-intensive jobs requiring reasoning over explicit facts and textual material, despite their excellent skills.

Researchers have developed a novel strategy known as Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) to get around this restriction. In this article, we will explore the limitations of pre-trained models and learn about the RAG model and its configuration, training, and decoding methodologies.

Overview of Pretrained Language Models in NLP

In recent years, pre-trained language models like BERT, GPT-3, and RoBERTa have revolutionized Natural Language Processing (NLP). These models, trained on vast text corpora, have demonstrated remarkable capabilities in text generation, translation, and comprehension tasks. However, they have inherent limitations:

  • Memory Constraints: Pre-trained models store information within their parameters, which limits their ability to recall specific facts or handle out-of-distribution queries.
  • Scalability Issues: As the need for storing more information grows, the size of the models must increase, leading to inefficiencies in computation and deployment.
  • Static Knowledge: Once trained, these models cannot dynamically update their knowledge without retraining, making them less adaptable to new information.

To address these limitations, researchers have introduced Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) models.

Description of RAG Models

RAG models combine parametric memory (the knowledge encoded within the model parameters) with non-parametric memory (external databases or documents) to improve the model’s performance and flexibility. This hybrid approach allows the model to dynamically retrieve relevant information during the inference process, enhancing its ability to generate accurate and contextually appropriate responses.

RAG models come in two primary configurations: RAG-Sequence and RAG-Token.


In RAG-Sequence, the model retrieves relevant documents from an external knowledge base and then generates a response based on the sequence of these documents. This method involves the following steps:

  1. Document Retrieval: Using a retriever to fetch documents related to the input query.
  2. Sequence Generation: Using a generator to produce a sequence (i.e., an entire response) conditioned on the retrieved documents.


RAG-Token operates at a finer granularity, generating responses token-by-token while conditioning on the retrieved documents. This token-level approach allows for more granular control over the response generation, potentially leading to more accurate and contextually appropriate outputs.

Components of RAG Models

RAG models are composed of two main components:

  1. Retriever (DPR): Dense Passage Retrieval (DPR) is used to fetch relevant documents from a large corpus. DPR leverages bi-encoders to embed queries and documents into a shared dense vector space, facilitating efficient retrieval.
  2. Generator (BART): Bidirectional and Auto-Regressive Transformers (BART) are used for generating responses. BART is a denoising autoencoder for sequence-to-sequence (seq2seq) models, which combines the strengths of bidirectional and autoregressive transformers.

Training and Decoding Methodologies

RAG models are trained using a combination of supervised and unsupervised techniques. During training:

  • The retriever learns to fetch relevant documents by minimizing the distance between the query and relevant documents while maximizing the distance from irrelevant ones.
  • The generator is fine-tuned on the retrieved documents to produce coherent and contextually appropriate responses.

Decoding in RAG models involves:

  1. Retrieving a set of candidate documents for a given query.
  2. Generating responses based on these documents, either sequentially (RAG-Sequence) or token-by-token (RAG-Token).

Effectiveness of RAG Models

RAG models have demonstrated significant improvements across various NLP tasks:

  1. Open-Domain Question Answering: By leveraging external documents, RAG models provide more accurate and comprehensive answers to questions that may not be well-covered by the training data alone.
  2. Abstractive Question Answering: RAG models enhance the generation of abstract answers by integrating diverse sources of information, leading to more informative and concise responses.
  3. Jeopardy Question Generation: RAG models can generate challenging and contextually relevant questions by retrieving pertinent facts and details from extensive knowledge bases.
  4. Fact Verification: The ability to dynamically retrieve and integrate information allows RAG models to verify facts more accurately, making them useful for tasks requiring high precision and reliability.

Advantages of RAG Models in NLP Applications

RAG models provide a number of benefits for NLP applications.

  • Factual Consistency: RAG models improve the factual correctness of language models by obtaining and integrating data from a large corpus, which lowers the production of erroneous or misleading assertions.
  • Understanding Long-Range Dependencies: RAG models are able to comprehend and capture long-range dependencies that are often difficult for standard language models to capture since they have access to pertinent information from the full corpus.
  • Flexible Generation: RAG models are more flexible and adaptable to various tasks and user demands because they combine retrieval and generation to create both extractive and abstractive replies.
  • Extensibility: RAG models are adaptable and suitable across a broad variety of knowledge-intensive applications. They can be readily extended to new domains or tasks by altering the non-parametric memory (the corpus of text used for retrieval).


In conclusion, RAG models represent a significant advancement in the field of NLP, combining the strengths of parametric and non-parametric memory to overcome the limitations of traditional pre-trained language models. Their effectiveness across various applications highlights their potential to transform how we approach complex language processing tasks.

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