How to Reset Password for Azure Database

Microsoft Azureā€™s Azure Database provides cloud-based database solutions for all types of data management requirements. Users donā€™t need to worry about infrastructure upkeep while creating, scaling, and managing databases thanks to alternatives like SQL databases and Azure Database for MySQL. This post offers details on how to create and manage databases in Azure, as well as an overview of its capabilities and advantages.

Steps to reset Password for Azure Database using Azure Portal

Step 1: Navigate to your Azure Portal.

Step 2: Go to the Database for which you want to change the Password. Here, I want to change the password for my database, Azure Database for MySQL flexible Server, that I created earlier.

Step 3: In the right-hand menu, click on the Overview blade.

Step 4: Click on Reset Password button.

Step 5: In the pop-up menu, enter the New Password. Then re-enter the same password to confirm it.

The password you create has to follow the following rules:

  • A minimum of 8 characters and a maximum of 128 characters are required in your password.
  • Three different character sets must be included in your password: English capital, English lowercase, numerals (0ā€“9), and non-alphanumeric characters (!, $, #, %, etc.).
  • The login name cannot appear in whole or in part in your password. Three or more consecutive alphanumeric characters are considered to be a part of a login name.

Step 6: Click on Save.

  • You will see the following notification saying Resetting the Password.
  • After sometime, you will get the notification saying Successfully reset the password.

Steps to reset Password for Azure Database using Azure CLI

Here are the detail steps to reset Password for Azure Database using Azure CLI (command line interface)

Step 1: Click on the Cloud Shell icon present on the immediate right of search bar.

Step 2: You will be prompted to choose a storage account. Create a new one if no storage account has already been created. You will see the following after that.

Step 3: Login to Azure using the command:

az login

You will be prompted to go to the link Follow the link and enter the code provided in the cloud shell in order to authenticate.

After successful authentication, you will see the following output.

Step 4: To reset password, enter the following command:

Note: Command may vary slightly for different resource types.

az mysql flexible-server update 
--resource-group <resource-group-name>
--name <name>
--admin-password <enter-new-password>

Replace the <resource-group-name> with the Resource Group Name in which you have created the database, replace <server-name> with name of the server. Finally, enter the New Password.

After successful execution of the command, you may see the output such as:

Reset Password for Azure Database ā€“ FAQs

What benefits does Azure Database provide over more established database management systems?

Scalability, dependability, and physical hardware upkeep are all provided by Azure Database. It offers smooth interaction with other Azure services, guaranteeing effective workflows and data management.

Is it possible for me to move my current on-premises databases to Azure Database?

It is possible to transfer current on-premises databases to Azure Database. Microsoft provides information and tools to help with the migration process, minimising downtime and data loss in the process.

How does Azure guarantee the safety and legality of the information I save in an Azure database?

Azure has strong procedures and certifications to guarantee data security and compliance. Role-based access control, encryption both in transit and at rest, and compliance with industry standards like GDPR and HIPAA are all included in this.

How are backup and disaster recovery processes handled by Azure Database to guarantee data resilience?

To provide data resilience, Azure Database has options for backup and disaster recovery. Users may safeguard against data loss and preserve business continuity by using geo-replication and automatic backup features.

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