Remove Interval from Disjoint Intervals

Given a sorted list of disjoint intervals representing a set of real numbers and an interval toBeRemoved to remove. The task is to remove toBeRemoved interval from the set and return the remaining intervals as a sorted list.


Input: intervals = {{0,2},{3,4},{5,7}}, toBeRemoved = {1,6}
Output: {{0,1},{6,7}}

Input: intervals = {{0,5}}, toBeRemoved = {2,3}
Output: {{0,2},{3,5}}

Input: intervals = {{-5,-4},{-3,-2},{1,2},{3,5},{8,9}}, toBeRemoved = {-1,4}
Output: {{-5,-4},{-3,-2},{4,5},{8,9}}


Iterate over each interval in the set and check its relation with the interval to be removed. There are three possible cases:

  1. The current interval is completely outside the interval to be removed. In this case, we simply add the current interval to the result set as it is.
  2. The current interval is completely inside the interval to be removed. In this case, we skip the current interval as it is to be removed.
  3. The current interval partially overlaps with the interval to be removed. In this case, we split the current interval into two parts that are outside the interval to be removed and add them to the result set.

Steps-by-step approach:

  • Iterates over each interval in the set of intervals.
    • For each interval, checks if the current interval is completely outside the interval to be removed. If so, it adds the current interval to the resultSet.
    • If the current interval is not completely outside the interval to be removed, further checks if the current interval is completely inside the interval to be removed. If it is, the current interval is skipped.
    • If the current interval partially overlaps with the interval to be removed
      • splits the current interval into two parts (left and right) based on the removal interval and adds them to the resultSet.
  • After processing all intervals, returns the resulting set resultSet.

Below are the implementation of the above approach:

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

// Function to remove an interval from a set of intervals
vector<vector<int> >
removeIntervalFromSet(vector<vector<int> >& intervals,
                      vector<int>& toBeRemoved)
    // Size of the intervals set
    int setSize = intervals.size();
    // Resultant set after removing the interval
    vector<vector<int> > resultSet;

    // Iterate over each interval in the set
    for (auto currInterval : intervals) {

        // If current interval is completely outside the
        // interval to be removed
        if (currInterval[0] > toBeRemoved[1]
            || currInterval[1] < toBeRemoved[0]) {
            // Add the current interval to the result set as
            // it is
        else {
            // If current interval is completely inside the
            // interval to be removed
            if (currInterval[0] >= toBeRemoved[0]
                && currInterval[1] <= toBeRemoved[1]) {
                // Skip the current interval as it is to be
                // removed

            // If left part of the current interval is
            // outside the interval to be removed
            if (currInterval[0] < toBeRemoved[0]) {
                // Add the left part to the result set
                    { currInterval[0], toBeRemoved[0] });

            // If right part of the current interval is
            // outside the interval to be removed
            if (currInterval[1] > toBeRemoved[1]) {
                // Add the right part to the result set
                    { toBeRemoved[1], currInterval[1] });

    // Return the resultant set
    return resultSet;

// Driver code
int main()
    vector<vector<int> > intervals
        = { { 0, 2 }, { 3, 4 }, { 5, 7 } };
    vector<int> toBeRemoved = { 1, 6 };
    vector<vector<int> > resultSet
        = removeIntervalFromSet(intervals, toBeRemoved);

    // Print the resultant set
    for (auto interval : resultSet) {
        cout << "[" << interval[0] << ", " << interval[1]
             << "]" << endl;

    return 0;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

public class Main {

    // Function to remove an interval from a set of intervals
    public static List<List<Integer>> removeIntervalFromSet(List<List<Integer>> intervals, List<Integer> toBeRemoved) {
        // Resultant set after removing the interval
        List<List<Integer>> resultSet = new ArrayList<>();

        // Iterate over each interval in the set
        for (List<Integer> currInterval : intervals) {

            // If current interval is completely outside the
            // interval to be removed
            if (currInterval.get(0) > toBeRemoved.get(1) || currInterval.get(1) < toBeRemoved.get(0)) {
                // Add the current interval to the result set as it is
            } else {
                // If current interval is completely inside the
                // interval to be removed
                if (currInterval.get(0) >= toBeRemoved.get(0) && currInterval.get(1) <= toBeRemoved.get(1)) {
                    // Skip the current interval as it is to be removed

                // If left part of the current interval is
                // outside the interval to be removed
                if (currInterval.get(0) < toBeRemoved.get(0)) {
                    // Add the left part to the result set
                    resultSet.add(List.of(currInterval.get(0), toBeRemoved.get(0)));

                // If right part of the current interval is
                // outside the interval to be removed
                if (currInterval.get(1) > toBeRemoved.get(1)) {
                    // Add the right part to the result set
                    resultSet.add(List.of(toBeRemoved.get(1), currInterval.get(1)));

        // Return the resultant set
        return resultSet;

    // Driver code
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        List<List<Integer>> intervals = List.of(List.of(0, 2), List.of(3, 4), List.of(5, 7));
        List<Integer> toBeRemoved = List.of(1, 6);
        List<List<Integer>> resultSet = removeIntervalFromSet(intervals, toBeRemoved);

        // Print the resultant set
        for (List<Integer> interval : resultSet) {
            System.out.println("[" + interval.get(0) + ", " + interval.get(1) + "]");
# Function to remove an interval from a set of intervals
def remove_interval_from_set(intervals, to_be_removed):
    # Resultant set after removing the interval
    result_set = []

    # Iterate over each interval in the set
    for curr_interval in intervals:
        # If current interval is completely outside the interval to be removed
        if curr_interval[0] > to_be_removed[1] or curr_interval[1] < to_be_removed[0]:
            # Add the current interval to the result set as it is
            # If current interval is completely inside the interval to be removed
            if curr_interval[0] >= to_be_removed[0] and curr_interval[1] <= to_be_removed[1]:
                # Skip the current interval as it is to be removed

            # If left part of the current interval is outside the interval to be removed
            if curr_interval[0] < to_be_removed[0]:
                # Add the left part to the result set
                result_set.append([curr_interval[0], to_be_removed[0]])

            # If right part of the current interval is outside the interval to be removed
            if curr_interval[1] > to_be_removed[1]:
                # Add the right part to the result set
                result_set.append([to_be_removed[1], curr_interval[1]])

    # Return the resultant set
    return result_set

# Driver code
intervals = [[0, 2], [3, 4], [5, 7]]
to_be_removed = [1, 6]
result_set = remove_interval_from_set(intervals, to_be_removed)

# Print the resultant set
for interval in result_set:
    print("[%d, %d]" % (interval[0], interval[1]))
// Function to remove an interval from a set of intervals
function removeIntervalFromSet(intervals, toBeRemoved) {
    // Resultant set after removing the interval
    const resultSet = [];

    // Iterate over each interval in the set
    for (const currInterval of intervals) {
        // If current interval is completely outside the interval to be removed
        if (currInterval[0] > toBeRemoved[1] || currInterval[1] < toBeRemoved[0]) {
            // Add the current interval to the result set as it is
        } else {
            // If current interval is completely inside the interval to be removed
            if (currInterval[0] >= toBeRemoved[0] && currInterval[1] <= toBeRemoved[1]) {
                // Skip the current interval as it is to be removed

            // If left part of the current interval is outside the interval to be removed
            if (currInterval[0] < toBeRemoved[0]) {
                // Add the left part to the result set
                resultSet.push([currInterval[0], toBeRemoved[0]]);

            // If right part of the current interval is outside the interval to be removed
            if (currInterval[1] > toBeRemoved[1]) {
                // Add the right part to the result set
                resultSet.push([toBeRemoved[1], currInterval[1]]);

    // Return the resultant set
    return resultSet;

// Driver code
const intervals = [[0, 2], [3, 4], [5, 7]];
const toBeRemoved = [1, 6];
const resultSet = removeIntervalFromSet(intervals, toBeRemoved);

// Print the resultant set
for (const interval of resultSet) {
    console.log(`[${interval[0]}, ${interval[1]}]`);

[0, 1]
[6, 7]

Time Complexity: O(n), where n is the number of intervals
Auxiliary Space: O(n)

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