Remove extra edge from a BST

Given a Binary Search Tree where an arbitrary node has 2 parents. Delete the extra edge and return the fixed Binary Search Tree.



/ \
6 10
/ \ / \
2 9 11


/ \
6 10
/ / \
2 9 11

Explanation: The edge between 6 and 9 should be removed because it has 2 parents and it is a BST after removing it.


/ \
16 30
/ \
13 18


/ \
16 30
/ \
13 18

Explanation: No edge needed to be removed since it has not connected to multiple parents.

Approach: To solve the problem follow the below idea:

This problem can be solved using the logic of BST that when a node connected to two parents will violate the property of BST , so the edge which is causing the violation of property of BST that all the descendants to left should be less than the parent node and the descendants to right of parent node should be greater than parent node.

Follow these steps to solve this problem :

  • Initialize the mini and maxi as INT_MIN and INT_MAX and pass it to the recursive function, In recursive function check
  • If root is NULL return the NULL.
  • If the current node does not satisfy the BST rule remove the edge by returning NULL to the parent
  • Recursively move to left node and check the BST property return the root if the condition satisfies
  • Recursively move to right node and check the BST property return the root if the condition satisfies

Here is the Implementation of the above approach :


// C++ code for the above approach:
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// Tree node
struct Node {
    int data;
    struct Node *left, *right;
    Node(int value)
        data = value;
        left = right = NULL;
// Function to print the tree in inorder fashion
void printInorder(Node* root)
    if (root == NULL)
    cout << root->data << " ";
// Function to remove the extre edge
Node* removeExtraEdge(Node* root, int mini, int maxi)
    // If root is NULL return the NULL.
    if (root == NULL)
        return NULL;
    // If the current node does not satisfy the
    // BST rule remove the edge by returning
    // NULL to the parent
    if (!(root->data < maxi and root->data > mini)) {
        return NULL;
    // Recursively move to left node and check
    // the BST property return the root if the
    // condition satisfies
        = removeExtraEdge(root->left, mini, root->data);
    // Recursively move to right node and check
    // the BST property return the root if the
    // condition satisfies
        = removeExtraEdge(root->right, root->data, maxi);
    return root;
Node* removeExtraEdgeInBST(Node* root)
    // Initialize the mini and maxi as
    // INT_MIN and INT_MAX
    return removeExtraEdge(root, INT_MIN, INT_MAX);
// Driver code
int main()
    //            7
    //          /   \
    //         6      10
    //       /   \  /   \
    //      2      9     11
    struct Node* root = new Node(7);
    root->left = new Node(6);
    root->right = new Node(10);
    root->left->left = new Node(2);
    root->left->right = new Node(9);
    root->right->left = new Node(9);
    root->right->right = new Node(11);
    // Print the nodes in inorder traversal
    // before removing they appear unsorted
    cout << "Inoder traversal before edge removal : ";
    cout << endl;
    Node* afterChange = removeExtraEdgeInBST(root);
    cout << "Inoder traversal after edge removal : ";
    // Print the nodes in inorder traversal
    // before removing they appear sorted
    return 0;


class Node {
    int data;
    Node left, right;
    public Node(int value)
        data = value;
        left = right = null;
public class BinaryTree {
    // Function to print the tree in inorder fashion
    static void printInorder(Node root)
        if (root == null)
        System.out.print( + " ");
    // Function to remove the extra edge
    static Node removeExtraEdge(Node root, int mini,
                                int maxi)
        // If root is NULL, return NULL.
        if (root == null)
            return null;
        // If the current node does not satisfy the
        // BST rule, remove the edge by returning
        // NULL to the parent
        if (!( < maxi && > mini)) {
            return null;
        // Recursively move to the left node and check
        // the BST property, return the root if the
        // condition satisfies
            = removeExtraEdge(root.left, mini,;
        // Recursively move to the right node and check
        // the BST property, return the root if the
        // condition satisfies
            = removeExtraEdge(root.right,, maxi);
        return root;
    // Function to remove the extra edge in the BST
    static Node removeExtraEdgeInBST(Node root)
        // Initialize the mini and maxi as
        // Integer.MIN_VALUE and Integer.MAX_VALUE
        return removeExtraEdge(root, Integer.MIN_VALUE,
    // Driver code
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // Build the binary search tree
        Node root = new Node(7);
        root.left = new Node(6);
        root.right = new Node(10);
        root.left.left = new Node(2);
        root.left.right = new Node(9);
        root.right.left = new Node(9);
        root.right.right = new Node(11);
        // Print the nodes in inorder traversal
        // before removing; they appear unsorted
            "Inorder traversal before edge removal: ");
        // Remove extra edges violating BST property
        Node afterChange = removeExtraEdgeInBST(root);
            "Inorder traversal after edge removal: ");
        // Print the nodes in inorder traversal
        // after removing; they appear sorted


# Python code for the above approach
# Tree node
class Node:
    def __init__(self, value): = value
        self.left = self.right = None
# Function to print the tree in inorder fashion
def printInorder(root):
    if root is None:
    print(, end=" ")
# Function to remove the extra edge
def removeExtraEdge(root, mini, maxi):
    # If root is None, return None
    if root is None:
        return None
    # If the current node does not satisfy the
    # BST rule, remove the edge by returning
    # None to the parent
    if not (mini < < maxi):
        return None
    # Recursively move to the left node and check
    # the BST property; return the root if the
    # condition satisfies
    root.left = removeExtraEdge(root.left, mini,
    # Recursively move to the right node and check
    # the BST property; return the root if the
    # condition satisfies
    root.right = removeExtraEdge(root.right,, maxi)
    return root
# Function to remove the extra edge in BST
def removeExtraEdgeInBST(root):
    # Initialize mini and maxi as
    # negative and positive infinity
    return removeExtraEdge(root, float('-inf'), float('inf'))
# Driver code
if __name__ == "__main__":
    #            7
    #          /   \
    #         6      10
    #       /   \  /   \
    #      2      9     11
    root = Node(7)
    root.left = Node(6)
    root.right = Node(10)
    root.left.left = Node(2)
    root.left.right = Node(9)
    root.right.left = Node(9)
    root.right.right = Node(11)
    # Print the nodes in inorder traversal
    # before removing; they appear unsorted
    print("Inorder traversal before edge removal:", end=" ")
    after_change = removeExtraEdgeInBST(root)
    print("Inorder traversal after edge removal:", end=" ")
    # Print the nodes in inorder traversal
    # after removing; they appear sorted


// C# Implementation
using System;
public class Node
    public int data;
    public Node left, right;
    public Node(int value)
        data = value;
        left = right = null;
public class BinaryTree
    // Function to print the tree in inorder fashion
    static void PrintInorder(Node root)
        if (root == null)
        Console.Write( + " ");
    // Function to remove the extra edge
    static Node RemoveExtraEdge(Node root, int mini, int maxi)
        // If root is NULL, return NULL.
        if (root == null)
            return null;
        // If the current node does not satisfy the
        // BST rule, remove the edge by returning
        // NULL to the parent
        if (!( < maxi && > mini))
            return null;
        // Recursively move to the left node and check
        // the BST property, return the root if the
        // condition satisfies
        root.left = RemoveExtraEdge(root.left, mini,;
        // Recursively move to the right node and check
        // the BST property, return the root if the
        // condition satisfies
        root.right = RemoveExtraEdge(root.right,, maxi);
        return root;
    // Function to remove the extra edge in the BST
    static Node RemoveExtraEdgeInBST(Node root)
        // Initialize the mini and maxi as
        // Int32.MinValue and Int32.MaxValue
        return RemoveExtraEdge(root, Int32.MinValue, Int32.MaxValue);
    // Driver code
    public static void Main(string[] args)
        // Build the binary search tree
        Node root = new Node(7);
        root.left = new Node(6);
        root.right = new Node(10);
        root.left.left = new Node(2);
        root.left.right = new Node(9);
        root.right.left = new Node(9);
        root.right.right = new Node(11);
        // Print the nodes in inorder traversal
        // before removing; they appear unsorted
        Console.Write("Inorder traversal before edge removal: ");
        // Remove extra edges violating BST property
        Node afterChange = RemoveExtraEdgeInBST(root);
        Console.Write("Inorder traversal after edge removal: ");
        // Print the nodes in inorder traversal
        // after removing; they appear sorted
// Thsi code is contributed by Sakshi


// JavaScript code for the above approach
// Tree node
class Node {
  constructor(value) { = value;
    this.left = null;
    this.right = null;
// Function to print the tree in inorder fashion
function printInorder(root) {
  if (root === null) return;
  console.log( + " ");
// Function to remove the extra edge
function removeExtraEdge(root, mini, maxi) {
  // If root is NULL return the NULL.
  if (root === null) return null;
  // If the current node does not satisfy the
  // BST rule remove the edge by returning
  // NULL to the parent
  if (!( < maxi && > mini)) {
    return null;
  // Recursively move to left node and check
  // the BST property return the root if the
  // condition satisfies
  root.left = removeExtraEdge(root.left, mini,;
  // Recursively move to right node and check
  // the BST property return the root if the
  // condition satisfies
  root.right = removeExtraEdge(root.right,, maxi);
  return root;
function removeExtraEdgeInBST(root) {
  return removeExtraEdge(root, Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER, Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER);
// Driver code
function main() {
  //      7
  //     / \
  //    6   10
  //   / \ / \
  //  2  9 9  11
  let root = new Node(7);
  root.left = new Node(6);
  root.right = new Node(10);
  root.left.left = new Node(2);
  root.left.right = new Node(9);
  root.right.left = new Node(9);
  root.right.right = new Node(11);
  // Print the nodes in inorder traversal
  // before removing they appear unsorted
  console.log("Inorder traversal before edge removal: ");
  let afterChange = removeExtraEdgeInBST(root);
  console.log("Inorder traversal after edge removal: ");
  // Print the nodes in inorder traversal
  // after removing they appear sorted
// Run the main function


Inoder traversal before edge removal : 2 6 9 7 9 10 11 
Inoder traversal after edge removal : 2 6 7 9 10 11 

Time Complexity: O(N),N is the number of nodes in the tree.
Auxiliary space: O(h),h is the height of tree.

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