Remove An Image In A Label In Tkinter

Tkinter is a GUI-creating module in Python that is used to create many applications. It has many useful widgets such as Label, Checkbutton, Button, Checkbox, and more. In this article, we will discuss how we can remove an image from the Label widget in Tkinter in Python.

Tkinter Label Widget

The label is one of the widgets in Tkinter. It is used to display text in the GUI window. An image can also be displayed using the Label widget. Also, a label can contain both text and image simultaneously in the window.

Creating a Label with Text

The syntax to create a Label in Tkinter is given below. Use the option ‘text’ to mention the text that needs to be displayed in the GUI.

label_variablename = tkinter.Label(parent,text="...")

Creating a Label with Image

An image can be added to a label just by converting it to PhotoImage. It requires the PhotoImage class which takes the image file as the argument. Then that image object is passed as the option of the image parameter of the Label widget.

image_variable = tk.PhotoImage(file="image_path")
label_variablename = tkinter.Label(parent,text="...", image=image_variable)

Removing an Image in a Label in Tkinter?

To remove an image inside the Label widget in Tkinter, we use the config() method. This method takes an image parameter. If you want to remove the image, just assign empty double quotes as the value for the image parameter.

Let us see a few example code below to understand better how this works.

Removing an Image in a Label

Removing an image means, that when the button is clicked, the image will disappear from the window leaving an empty space.

Example: In this example, we will create a simple Tkinter window which contains an image as a label and a button. On clicking the button, the image label should be removed/deleted from the window.

# Importing tkinter
import tkinter as tk

# Function to remove image from Label
# on clicking the button 'removeImageButton'.

def remove_image():

# GUI creation
root = tk.Tk()

# image is converted to PhotoImage variable
apple_picture = tk.PhotoImage(file="image_path")

# Label created with image
label1 = tk.Label(root, image=apple_picture)

# Button created to remove the image
# from the Label widget 'label1'
removeImageButton = tk.Button(
    root, text="Remove image", 
    bg="green", fg="white")


Image removed from Label

Replacing an Image in a Label

Replacing an image means, that when the button is clicked, the original image will disappear or get removed from the window and a new image will appear. The config() method will now have the new PhotoImage object, that is the new image, and the label widget’s image attribute is also replaced with the new image.

Example: In this example, we will create a simple Tkinter window which contains an image as that label and a button. On clicking the button, the image label should be replaced by another image on the window.

# Importing tkinter
import tkinter as tk

# Function to replace image from Label
# on clicking the button 'replaceImageButton'
def replace_image():
    new_image = tk.PhotoImage(file="image_path")
    label1.image = new_image

# GUI creation
root = tk.Tk()

# image is converted to PhotoImage variable
apple_picture = tk.PhotoImage(file="image_path")

# Label created with image
label1 = tk.Label(root, image=apple_picture)

# Create a button to replace the image
replaceImageButton = tk.Button(root, 
                               text="Replace Image", 



Replacing Image on Label


Managing images in Tkinter labels is an essential skill for creating dynamic GUIs. Whether you need to remove or replace an image, understanding how to manipulate the image property of a Label widget is key. By following the examples provided, you should be able to effectively manage images in your Tkinter applications.

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