Remote Add Origin vs Remote Set-Url Origin in Git

Git is an important tool for version control, allowing multiple developers to track and manage changes to code bases efficiently. Among its various functionalities, the commands remote add origin and remote set-url origin play important roles in managing remote repositories. This article will explore each command, their uses, features, and key differences to help you understand when and how to use them effectively.

What is Remote Add Origin?

The remote add origin command in Git is used to add a new remote repository to your local project. “Origin” is a shorthand name for your remote repository, making it easier to reference.


git remote add origin <repository-url>


git remote add origin

This example stores the repository as the origin. By convention ‘origin’ is used as the default name but you can change whatever you want to name this.

Git Remote Add Origin

Feature of ‘git remote add’

This command is designed to manage the remote repositories that your local Git repository. Here are the key features of this command.

  • Adding a New Remote: This command used for adding a new remote repository to your local repository.
  • Flexible Naming: You can assign any name to a remote repository using this command. Common convention are ‘origin’ for the primary remote repository and ‘upstream’ for the original repository if you are working on a fork.
  • Multiple Remote Suppors: This command supports adding multiple remote repositories to a single local repository.

What is Remote Set-Url Origin?

The ‘git remote set-url’ command is used to change the URL of an existing remote repository. It is useful if the remote repository has moved, the protocol has been changed (eg from HTTP to SSH) or if there was a mistake in the original URL.


git remote set-url <name> <newurl>

  • <name>: The name of the repository whose URL you want to change.
  • <newUrl>: The new URL for the remote repository.


git remote set-url origin

Remote set-url-origin

Feature of ‘git remote set-url’

Here, are the key features of the ‘git remote set-url ‘ command.

  • Update Remote URL: This command changes the URL of an existing remote repository.
  • Supports All URL Types: This command work with HTTP, HTTPS, SSH, and Git protocols.
  • Immediate Effect: This command change take effects immediately.
  • No Need to Remove and Re-add Remote: This command directly updates the URL without needing to remove and re-add the remote.

Difference Between git remote add origin and git remote set-url origin

git remote add origin

git remote set-url origin

Adds a new remote repository

Change the existing remote repository

‘git remote add <name> <url>

‘git remote set-url <name> <newurl>’

Initial setup for the remote repository

Updating the URL of an existing remote repository

At the start of using a new remote repository

When the remote URL needs to be changed


Both remote add origin and remote set-url origin are important for managing remote repositories in Git. While remote add origin is used for initially connecting your local repository to a remote server, remote set-url origin provides the flexibility to update the repository’s URL as needed. Understanding when and how to use these commands can enhance your efficiency and effectiveness in version control management, making your development process smoother and more collaborative.

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