Red-Black Tree definition & meaning in DSA

A red-black tree is a self-balancing binary search tree in which each node of the tree has an color, which can either be red or black.

Example of Red-Black Tree

Characteristics of Red Black Tree:

  • The root node is always black and each node can be either black or red.
  • Every leaf node of the red-black tree is black.
  • The children of red nodes are black.
  • The number of black nodes will be the same for every simple path from the root to the descendant leaf node.

Applications of Red Black Tree:

To learn more about the applications of the red-black tree, refer to this article.

Advantages of Red Black Tree:

  • The mechanism to maintain balance is relatively easy to understand.
  • It performs operations like insertion, deletion, and searching in logarithmic time.
  • It reduces the number of height comparisons and memory accesses needed hence improving performance.

To learn more about the applications of the red-black tree, refer to this article.

Disadvantages of Red Black Tree:

  • It has a more complicated implementation than standard binary search trees.
  • Insertion and deletion operations may require complex restructuring of the tree.
  • It is not as efficient as hash tables for small data sets.

To learn more about the applications of the red-black tree, refer to this article.

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