Recursive Descent Parser

Parsing is the process to determine whether the start symbol can derive the program or not. If the Parsing is successful then the program is a valid program otherwise the program is invalid. 

There are generally two types of Parsers: 

  1. Top-Down Parsers: 
    • In this Parsing technique we expand the start symbol to the whole program.
    • Recursive Descent and LL parsers are the Top-Down parsers.
  2. Bottom-Up Parsers: 
    • In this Parsing technique we reduce the whole program to start symbol.
    • Operator Precedence Parser, LR(0) Parser, SLR Parser, LALR Parser and CLR Parser are the Bottom-Up parsers.

Recursive Descent Parser: 

It is a kind of Top-Down Parser. A top-down parser builds the parse tree from the top to down, starting with the start non-terminal. A Predictive Parser is a special case of Recursive Descent Parser, where no Back Tracking is required. 
By carefully writing a grammar means eliminating left recursion and left factoring from it, the resulting grammar will be a grammar that can be parsed by a recursive descent parser.


Before removing left recursion After removing left recursion
E –> E + T | T 
T –> T * F | F 
F –> ( E ) | id
E –> T E’ 
E’ –> + T E’ | e 
T –> F T’ 
T’ –> * F T’ | e 
F –> ( E ) | id

**Here e is Epsilon
For Recursive Descent Parser, we are going to write one program for every variable. 



#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#define SUCCESS 1
#define FAILED 0
// Function prototypes
int E(), Edash(), T(), Tdash(), F();
const char *cursor;
char string[64];
int main() {
    puts("Enter the string");
    scanf("%s", string); // Read input from the user
    cursor = string;
    puts("Input          Action");
    // Call the starting non-terminal E
    if (E() && *cursor == '\0') { // If parsing is successful and the cursor has reached the end
        puts("String is successfully parsed");
        return 0;
    else {
        puts("Error in parsing String");
        return 1;
// Grammar rule: E -> T E'
int E() {
    printf("%-16s E -> T E'\n", cursor);
    if (T()) { // Call non-terminal T
        if (Edash()) // Call non-terminal E'
            return SUCCESS;
            return FAILED;
        return FAILED;
// Grammar rule: E' -> + T E' | $
int Edash() {
    if (*cursor == '+') {
        printf("%-16s E' -> + T E'\n", cursor);
        if (T()) { // Call non-terminal T
            if (Edash()) // Call non-terminal E'
                return SUCCESS;
                return FAILED;
            return FAILED;
    else {
        printf("%-16s E' -> $\n", cursor);
        return SUCCESS;
// Grammar rule: T -> F T'
int T() {
    printf("%-16s T -> F T'\n", cursor);
    if (F()) { // Call non-terminal F
        if (Tdash()) // Call non-terminal T'
            return SUCCESS;
            return FAILED;
        return FAILED;
// Grammar rule: T' -> * F T' | $
int Tdash() {
    if (*cursor == '*') {
        printf("%-16s T' -> * F T'\n", cursor);
        if (F()) { // Call non-terminal F
            if (Tdash()) // Call non-terminal T'
                return SUCCESS;
                return FAILED;
            return FAILED;
    else {
        printf("%-16s T' -> $\n", cursor);
        return SUCCESS;
// Grammar rule: F -> ( E ) | i
int F() {
    if (*cursor == '(') {
        printf("%-16s F -> ( E )\n", cursor);
        if (E()) { // Call non-terminal E
            if (*cursor == ')') {
                return SUCCESS;
                return FAILED;
            return FAILED;
    else if (*cursor == 'i') {
        printf("%-16s F -> i\n", cursor);
        return SUCCESS;
        return FAILED;

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