Real-Life Applications of Perimeter

Applications of Perimeter: Perimeter is a concept of geometry which is a branch of mathematics that deals with shapes. Most of its use cases are used for the calculation of the boundary of 2D shapes for fencing purposes or putting some materials at the boundary.

In this article, you will get to know the various real-world uses of perimeter.

What is Perimeter?

Perimeter is the total length of the boundary of a 2D shape. It is calculated by adding all the sides or the complete boundary of a particular shape. For each shape, there is a specific formula to calculate the perimeter easily. Perimeter is not only used for mathematical concepts but it has a lot of practical applications. The perimeter of a square is calculated by multiplying 4 with one of the sides of the square.

Formula for Perimeter = Sum of All Sides

For example, a square with 2 cm sides has a perimeter of (4×2) = 8 cm.

Applications of Perimeter

Perimeter is an important calculation used in our day-to-day lives. One may encounter many scenarios where in dealing with 2D shapes we need to find the perimeter. The following are some important applications of perimeter:

  • In Construction
  • In Land Management
  • In Gardening
  • In Arts and Crafts, etc.

In Construction

In construction for calculating materials required for the boundary, the perimeter is used. When installing a fence around your property you need to calculate the perimeter of the area which provides you the total length of fencing material needed.

  • For example, a rectangular backyard of length 20m and a breadth of 10m has a perimeter of 2 × (20 m + 10 m) = 60 m.

Construction application is not only limited to fencing architects and interior designers uses perimeter measurements to determine furniture boundary size for placement to place is properly in a room. The perimeter calculations serve as a good starting point for planning and optimization designs.

In Land Management

In land management perimeter is used to accurately measure the size and boundaries of various properties. People might need to measure the perimeter of a field to determine its total area. This information is important for ownership records, agricultural planning, and various other legal usage.

  • For example, a triangular field with sides of 20 m, 30 m, and 40 m has perimeter of (20m + 30m + 40m) = 90m, the person can determine the total length of the boundary of the field which can be used along with other additional measurements that will help the person to calculate the field’s exact area for land management.

In Gardening

For gardening the perimeter calculations are very useful for planning and proper designing of the layout. The perimeter of a gardening area allows you to plan the layout of flower beds, vegetable patches and walking paths. This helps you to determine the amount of seeds, fertilizers needed for your garden which saves your time, money and land usage.

  • For example, a rectangular flower bed has 5m length and 3m breadth so, the perimeter is 2 x (5m + 3m) = 16m, now this can be use to add boundary or seeds to grows additional plants or flowers around the flower bed.

In Arts and Crafts

In arts and crafts perimeter is widely used for borders and framing of the art. The perimeter of a picture or artwork provides the size of the frame needed. By measuring the length and width of the artwork, you can calculate the perimeter to find a suitable frame size.

  • For example, a painting is rectangular with 20cm length and 15cm breadth, the perimeter is 2 x (20cm + 15cm) = 70cm, now this value will be used to build a frame that fits the painting perfectly.

When crafting projects with borders the perimeter of the base object helps you determine the length of material needed for the border. This saves you from overusing and wastage of the materials thus save your money and time.


Perimeter is a basic concept in mathematics widely used in various scenerios, from construction and landscaping to real estate and manufacturing. It helps us in accurately determining the boundary lengths of shapes and spaces, enabling effective planning, design, and implementation of projects in different fields.

FAQs on Real-Life Applications of Perimeter

What is perimeter?

Perimeter of any figure is defined as the sum of all the sides of any closed figure. In other words perimeter is defined as sum of all the sides of any closed frigure.

What are some applications of perimeter?

There are various application of perimeter in real life including:

  • Finding boundry length of various shapes
  • Desigining race tracks
  • Playing ganes, etc.

Is perimeter same as area?

No, perimeter and area are different concepts. In perimeter the total boundary of a shape is calculated, while in area the space within the shape is calculated.

How to calculate the perimeter of different shapes?

Each shape have a different formulas. For example:

  • Perimeter of a rectangle is 2 * (length + breadth).
  • Perimeter of a circle is 2*π*r where π is a constant equal to 3.14 and r is the radius of the circle.

How to calculate perimeter of an irregular-shape?

For any irregular shape the perimeter can easily be calculated using a string or rope. Use the rope to cover the whole boundary mark the ending of the rope then using a scale calculate the length from the starting point to the ending mark of the rope to get the perimeter.

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