Real Life Applications of Concave Mirror

Concave mirror is widely used as shaving mirror, in headlights of cars and bikes etc. Concave Mirror is a converging mirror and generally produces enlarged images. In this article, we will learn about the real-life applications of concave mirror. We will look how concave mirror is used in various aspects of life and how it has significance in our day-to-day lives.

What are Applications of Concave Mirror in Real Life

Concave mirror is defined as a type of spherical mirror which is bent towards the inward side in the middle. In a concave mirror, the light rays after the reflection process converge at a common point and then reflect back. It is also known as converging mirror. The real-life applications of concave mirrors are mentioned below:

Shaving Mirror

The most common use case of concave mirror is Shaving mirror. Concave mirror is used because of its shiny and curved surfaces. The image formed from the concave mirror is is larger in size and provides an erect image of the face. When we place concave mirror closer to our face, then it is easy to do shaving.


As we often travel from one place to another in our daily lives. While travelling at night, to have vision of the things in front of us, we use headlights of the car. Those headlights present in the car are made from concave mirror. Due to this concave mirror, the light converges and covers large area of the road leading to more clear visibility.

Solar Furnaces

Another common use case of concave mirror is in Solar furnaces or solar cooker. We make use of concave mirror in solar furnaces to concentrate or focus sunlight and generate heat. Other than this, they are also utilized in solar ovens to gather the solar energy. Then this solar energy is used for cooking, heating, etc.

In Telescope

Concave mirror are used in the Telescope to see objects which are very far from our sight. The concave mirror used in Telescope provides a larger view of the objects that are very far placed. It works by focusing on the object and enlarging them.

Dentist Mirrors

Dentist uses the concave mirror to treat the patients. They use concave mirror to look into the mouth of patients. The curved surface of the concave mirror allows the dentist to see a clear and enlarge vision of the focused area.

Projector Systems

In our education field, now we are using modern technology to teach students. So, we take use of projector systems for this purpose. This projector systems uses the concave mirror and lets the light reflect and focus on the screen. Due to this use of concave mirror, we get a large and clear representation of images.


Another use case of concave mirror is Searchlights. Concave mirror are placed in searchlights in such a way that they cover large areas on the ground. This will help people to find mislocated objects easily by having a larger cover area.

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FAQs on Real Life Applications of Concave Mirror

Which mirror is used in Car’s Rear-view Mirror?

For Car’s Rear-view Mirror, we use Convex mirrors.

What are types of Spherical Mirrors?

The types of Spherical Mirrors are there:

  • Concave Mirror
  • Convex Mirror

Which mirror is used in solar cooker?

In solar cooker, we use of a concave mirror.

Which mirror is also known as a converging mirror?

Concave mirror is often referred as a converging mirror.

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