Real Life Application of Diagonals

Diagonals are straight lines connecting the opposite corners of a polygon. Diagonals for curved shapes, such as circles, spheres, cones, etc, can also be easily found. Diagonals have various applications and uses in various real-life scenarios and some of them are discussed below.

Here, we will discuss definition of diagonal and the different ways diagonals are used in various fields and industries.

What are Diagonals?

In geometry, a diagonal is a straight line segment, which joins two vertices (corners) of a polygon that are not adjacent to each other. It is the simplest definition, the line is from one corner of a closed shape to the opposite corner which is not along its side. The smallest possible polygon which has a diagonal is the quadrilateral (square, rectangle, etc.). A triangle does not have any diagonal.

Real-Life Applications of Diagonals

Diagonals play a crucial role in geometry and are widely used in various real-life scenarios. From architecture to computer graphics, diagonals have practical applications that help in solving complex problems efficiently.

Applications of Diagonals in Architecture

In architecture, diagonals are the unsung heroes, providing essential structural support. Buildings, bridges, and even simple bookshelves utilize diagonal beams or braces. These elements distribute stress more evenly, preventing structures from collapsing under their own weight or external forces like wind. Imagine a rectangular bookshelf – without the diagonal support in the back, it might wobble or even topple over when loaded with books.

Applications of Diagonals in Surveying

Surveyors rely on diagonals for accurate land measurement. When establishing property lines or plotting out construction sites, diagonals help verify right angles. By creating two triangles with a shared side (the property line) and measuring the diagonals, surveyors can confirm a 90-degree angle without needing a physical square. This ensures precise measurements, crucial for property ownership and construction projects.

Applications of Diagonals in Graphic Design

Graphic designers use diagonals to make their designs more visually dynamic. Lines can be used diagonally to create an interesting movement, energy and a sense of direction in a design. They are able to do several things at the same time, such as to move the viewers’ eyes through a layout or to draw attention to a particular object. Diagonals can also break up monotony and add a touch of rebellion to a design.

Applications of Diagonals in Computer Graphics

Diagonals are the foundation for constructing 3D objects. By manipulating vertices (points in 3D space) and connecting them with diagonal lines, artists build the underlying geometric skeleton of an object. This skeletal framework, also called a mesh, provides the base upon which shading techniques and textures are applied. Without this diagonal substructure, objects would appear flat and lack dimension.

Diagonals also play a crucial role in perspective, where converging diagonal lines create the illusion of depth, drawing the viewer into the scene.

Applications of Diagonals in Sports

World of sports utilizes diagonals in various ways. In baseball, catchers throw diagonally to throw out runners at second base. This path minimizes the distance and maximizes throwing accuracy. Similarly, in soccer, diagonal runs by players can create space and open up scoring opportunities. Also, even in sports strategy, diagonals are used. The players of football formations usually align diagonally to the gaps in the defense of the opponent team. Provided the players and coaches with the knowledge of diagonals and their attributes will give them the opportunity to play strategically.

Applications of Diagonals in Mathematical Analysis

Diagonals in matrices play a crucial role in various mathematical operations, such as determining the determinant or eigenvalues. They also facilitate the solution of linear equations and are essential in algorithms like the Gauss–Jordan elimination method.


In summary, diagonals are essential in geometry, engineering, art, and beyond, facilitating structural stability, dynamic compositions, strategic gameplay, and efficient navigation. Their versatility underscores their significance as fundamental elements with broad applications across various disciplines.

FAQs on Application of Diagonals

How are diagonals used in architecture?

Diagonals are used in architecture to provide structural stability and distribute weight evenly in buildings.

Why are diagonals important in graphic design?

Diagonals are important in graphic design as they can create dynamic compositions that capture the viewer’s attention.

How do surveyors use diagonals in land surveying?

Surveyors use diagonals to create triangles, which help in calculating the area of irregular-shaped plots of land accurately.

What role do diagonals play in computer graphics?

Diagonals are crucial in computer graphics for rendering three-dimensional objects and creating realistic images.

How are diagonals used in sports like basketball and soccer?

Diagonals are used in sports like basketball and soccer for making quick passes and creating scoring opportunities.

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