React Redux Tutorial

React Redux is a state management library for React applications. Redux simply helps to manage the state of your application or in other words, it is used to manage the data of the application. It is used with a library like React.

Table of Content

  • What is React Redux ?
  • Why learn React Redux?
  • Advantages
  • React Redux Introduction
  • React Redux Basics
  • React Redux Advanced Topics
  • React Redux Projects

What is React Redux ?

React Redux is the official react binding for redux. It provides a predictable state container by connecting React components to a centralized store, simplifying data flow and enabling efficient management of application state across components.

Uses: It makes it easier to manage state and data. As the complexity of our application increases. At the start, it is hard to understand but it helps to build complex applications. In the beginning, it feels like a lot of work, but it is really helpful.

Why learn React Redux?

When diving into web development, it’s important to learn the basics of React and Redux. React that makes your code more modular and reusable. It’s all about efficiency, especially with the virtual DOM ensuring your app runs smoothly. And then there’s Redux, stepping in like a superhero for state management. It plays seamlessly with React, handling those complex states. Together, React and Redux not only simplify UI development but also improve the way for scalable and maintainable applications.


The advantages to react redux are given below:

  • Centralized state management system i.e. Store: React state is stored locally within a component. To share this state with other components in the application, props are passed to child components, or callbacks are used for parent components. Redux state, on the other hand, is stored globally in the store. All the components of the entire application can easily access the data directly. This centralizes all data and makes it very easy for a component to get the state it requires. So while developing large, complex applications with many components, the Redux store is highly preferred.
  • Performance Optimizations: By default, whenever a component is updated, React re-renders all the components inside that part of the component tree. In such a case when the data for a given component hasn’t changed, these re-renders are wasted (cause the UI output displayed on the screen would remain the same). Redux store helps in improving the performance by skipping such unnecessary re-renders and ensuring that a given component re-renders only when its data has actually changed.
  • Pure reducer functions: A pure function is defined as any function that doesn’t alter input data, doesn’t depend on the external state, and can consistently provide the same output for the same input. As opposed to React, Redux depends on such pure functions. It takes a given state (object) and passes it to each reducer in a loop. In case of any data changes, a new object is returned from the reducer (re-rendering takes place). However, the old object is returned if there are no changes (no re-rendering).
  • Storing long-term data: Since data stored in redux persists until page refresh, it is widely used to store long-term data that is required while the user navigates the application, such as, data loaded from an API, data submitted through a form, etc. On the other hand, React is suitable for storing short-term data that is likely to change quickly (form inputs, toggles, etc.)
  • Great supportive community Since redux has a large community of users, it becomes easier to learn about best practices, get help when stuck, reuse your knowledge across different applications. Also, there are a number of extensions for redux that help in simplifying the code logic and improving the performance.

React Redux Introduction:

React Redux Basics:

React Redux Advanced Topics:

React Redux Projects:

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