RazorPay Interview Experience of Product Engineer 2

Recruiter Outreach

The recruiter contacted me on Instahyre and sent an Online Assessment (OA) link.

Round 1: Online Assessment (OA)

Consisted of 20 questions (Multiple Choice Questions + 2 LeetCode medium-level coding problems).

Round 2: Technical Interview 1

Questions asked:

  • Zigzag traversal of a matrix.
  • Detect a loop in a linked list.
  • Find the intersection node of two linked lists.
  • Many questions related to Spring Boot and Java.

Round 3: Technical Interview 2

The interviewer started with a brief introduction and shared their background at Razorpay.

Questions asked:

  • Find the non-duplicate number in an array (modifying the input array is allowed).
  • Find a number that appears twice in a sorted array (using binary search).
  • Find a number that appears twice in an unsorted array (using XOR logic).
  • Discussed various project-related topics along with Java, Kafka, and Spring Boot.
  • Managed to answer almost all questions, except a few related to Kafka.

Round 4: Hiring Manager Interview

  • After contacting the recruiter, I joined the call.
  • The HM asked me to solve a LeetCode problem involving finding the maximum sum subset in an array.
  • Clarified whether it was about finding the maximum sum of a subarray or a subset.
  • Explained a brute force approach along with its time and space complexity.
  • Presented Kadane’s algorithm for positive numbers and fixed the solution for negative numbers upon feedback.
  • Faced some situational questions.
  • Thought the round went well but later found out I was rejected due to feedback indicating that I couldn’t consider all possible scenarios for the problem.


  • Except for the Hiring Manager round, all interviewers were nice and helpful.
  • Despite the unfortunate outcome, it was a valuable experience.

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