Range Constructor in C#

Range(Index, Index) Constructor is the part of Range Struct. This constructor is used to create a new instance of Range along with the specified starting and ending indexes. When you create a range using the range operator or constructor, then it will not add the last element or end index element. 
For example, we have an array {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 }, now we want to print range[1..3], then it will print 2, 3. It does not print 2, 3, 4.

public Range(Index start, Index end);

Here, the start represents the starting index of the range and the end represents the last index of the range.
Example 1:


// C# program to illustrate how to
// use Range(Index, Index) constructor
using System;
namespace range_example {
class GFG {
    // Main Method
    static void Main(string[] args)
        // Creating and initializing an array
        int[] arr = new int[10] {23, 45, 67, 78,
                        89, 34, 89, 43, 67, 89};
        Index start = 2;
        Index end = 5;
        // Creating range
        // Using Range(Index,
        // Index) Constructor
        var r = new Range(start, end);
        var value = arr[r];
        // Displaying range and elements
        Console.WriteLine("Range: " + r);
        Console.Write("Numbers: ");
        foreach(var i in value)
            Console.Write($" {i}, ");


Range: 2..5
Numbers:  67,  78,  89, 

Example 2:


// C# program to illustrate how to
// use Range(Index, Index) constructor
using System;
namespace range_example {
class Program {
    // Main Method
    static void Main(string[] args)
        // Creating and initializing an array
        string[] arr = new string[8] {"Archery", "Badminton",
                              "Cricket", "Bowling", "Boxing",
                       "Curling", "Tennis", "Skateboarding"};
        // Creating ranges
        // Using Range(Index,
        // Index) Constructor
        var r1 = new Range(0, 3);
        var r2 = new Range(4, 7);
        var value_1 = arr[r1];
        var value_2 = arr[r2];
        // Displaying range and elements
        Console.WriteLine("Range: " + r1);
        Console.Write("Sports Name: ");
        foreach(var i_1 in value_1)
            Console.Write($" {i_1} ");
        Console.WriteLine("\n\nRange: " + r2);
        Console.Write("Sports Name: ");
        foreach(var i_2 in value_2)
            Console.Write($" {i_2} ");


Range: 0..3
Sports Name:  Archery  Badminton  Cricket 

Range: 4..7
Sports Name:  Boxing  Curling  Tennis 


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