RAM Full Form

RAM stands for Random Access Memory. RAM is used to read and write into memory. RAM stores files and data of programs that are currently being executed by CPU. It is a volatile memory as data loses when power is turned off.

RAM can be further divided into two classifications: Static RAM (SRAM), and Dynamic RAM (DRAM).

History of RAM :
In the year 1947, Williams tube were used to create first form of RAM. It used Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) and data was stored in form of electrically charged spots on face of tube.

Later in the same year 1947, magnetic-core memory was used as second widely used form of RAM. Several patents were files on name of Frederick Viehe, who was credited for most of design work. Tiny metal rings and wires connecting to each ring were used for working of Magnetic-core memory. Each of these rings stored one bit of data and that data can be accessed at any time.

However, RAM was first invented by Robert Dennard in 1968 which is today known as, solid-state memory. Transistors were used in DRAMs (Dynamic Random Access Memory)to store bits of data.

Advantages of RAM :

  • RAM contains no mechanical moving part and hence there is no noise.
  • RAM uses much less power than mechanical disk drives. Reduces CO2 emissions and extends battery life.
  • RAM is known to be fastest medium for storage.

Disadvantages of RAM :

  • Volatile –
    Power outage will cause irrecoverable data loss, unless there is some power backup system like a laptop battery.
  • Space-limited –
    RAM cost per bit is high, so computers don not include too much of it.

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