Races and Games – Aptitude Questions and Answers

Are you preparing for a competitive exam that includes Quantitative Aptitude questions on races and games? If so, then you’re in the right place. The topic of races and games is a common component of aptitude tests, entrance exams, and other competitive examinations. In this article, we will explore some of the fundamental concepts of races and games and provide examples of frequently asked questions in these exams. By understanding the basic terminologies and formulas used in these types of questions, you can improve your chances of performing well on these tests. 

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Terminologies used in Races and Games in Quantitative Aptitude

  • A gives B a start of x meters: This means that A and B are participating in the same race, but B is given a head start of x meters. To cover the same distance, A will have to run the entire race, while B will only have to run the remaining distance after the head start.
  • A beats B by x meters: This means that A and B are participating in the same race, and A finishes the race x meters ahead of B.
  • A can give B a start of t minutes: This means that A and B are participating in the same race, but B is given a head start of t minutes. Both A and B start the race at different times, but reach the finish line at the same time.
  • A gives B x meters and t minutes: This means that A and B start the race at the same time, but A finishes x meters ahead of B. Additionally, B takes t minutes longer than A to complete the race.
  • Dead Heat: This refers to a situation where two or more participants finish the race at exactly the same time. In a dead heat, there is no clear winner.
  • Handicap: This refers to a system in which participants are given a head start or other advantage in order to level the playing field. Handicaps are often used in races or other competitions where there is a large skill or experience gap between participants.

Sample Questions on Races and Games

Q 1. In a 100 m race, A beats B by 28 meters. Also, at the finish line, A was 7 seconds ahead of B. Find the time taken by A to complete the race. 


According to the question, B covers 28 m in 7 seconds. => B’s speed = 28 / 7 = 4 m/s => Time required by B to complete 100 m = 100 / 4 = 25 s Now, A needs 7 s less than B to complete the race. => Time required by A = 25 – 7 = 18 s   

Q 2. In a 100 m race, A can give a start of 4 m to B and 6.4 m to C. How many starts can B give to C? 


If A covers 100 m, B covers 96 m and C covers 93.6 m => When B covers 96 m, C covers 93.6 m => When B covers 100 m, C covers (93.6 / 96) x 100 = 97.5 m Therefore, B can give a start of 100 – 97.5 = 2.5 m to C.   

Q 3. A 100-meter race has been completed by two athletes, A and B. If A finishes the race in 10 seconds and B finishes the race in 12 seconds, what is the ratio of their speeds?


We can find the ratio of the speeds of A and B using the formula: Ratio of speeds = distance/time. Since both A and B have run the same distance, the ratio of their speeds will be proportional to the inverse of their times. Therefore, we can write the ratio of speeds = B’s time / A’s time. Substituting the given values, we get the ratio of speeds = 12 / 10. Simplifying, we get the ratio of speeds = 6 / 5.

Q 4. In a 5000-meter race, if runner A runs at a speed of 12 meters per second and runner B runs at a speed of 15 meters per second, how many seconds will it take for runner B to finish the race if runner A finishes the race in 20 minutes?


We know that runner A finishes the race in 20 minutes, which is equivalent to 20 x 60 = 1200 seconds. We can use the formula: Distance = speed x time. The distance covered by runner A in 1200 seconds is Distance = 12 x 1200 = 14400 meters. We want to find out how many seconds it will take for runner B to finish the race. Let’s assume that it takes runner B t seconds to finish the race. Then, the distance covered by runner B in t seconds is Distance = 15t. Since both runners cover the same distance, we can set up an equation: 14400 = 15t. Solving for t, we get t = 960. Therefore, runner B will finish the race in 960 seconds or 16 minutes.

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