Quick Filter in Tableau

In this article, we will learn how to do Quick Filtering in tableau worksheet to do further operations. For this first look into two terms :

  • Tableau: Tableau software is one of the fastest-growing data visualization tools which is currently getting used within the BI industry. It is the simplest thanks to changing or transform the raw set of knowledge into an easily understandable format with zero technical skills and coding knowledge.
  • Filtering: Filter a visualization to limit and customize the data displayed on visualization in a dashboard. For example, you can filter the visualization to display only selected geographical regions, the top five most-profitable regions, or those regions with more than $1 million in revenue.

For this we have to follow some steps :

Open the Tableau tool and connect a dataset into it. Drag and drop the one sheet of the connected dataset. Click on sheet1 to open the tableau worksheet. On clicking Sheet1 you will get whole dataset attributes on the left side and a worksheet for work.

To apply quick filtering, prepare a worksheet with some graphs or charts.

  • Adding the filter card

  • Options for modifying the filter

  • Working of Single Valued filters

  • Working of Multi-Valued filters

  • Working of WildCard Match

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