Question Tag Rules with Examples

A crucial topic that often comes up in the English Section of all SSC exams is the “question tag”. English sentence construction is very important for the SSC exams, thus it’s important to learn and practice it as much as you can. Read the complete article to aid your preparation, we have put all the key rules associated with the “question tag” with examples here. 

An essential topic in the SSC CGL syllabus is “question tag rules.” The “question tags” topic receives a fair amount of weighting in the SSC CGL exam. Some of you may find it simple, while others may find them challenging. Therefore, let’s make it simple for everyone by providing these English grammatical rules for question tags, which will make it extremely simple for you to answer to these questions. Today we’ll talk about the rules from which questions are typically asked.


Question tags are short questions that are asked at the end of a sentence, usually in spoken English. The question tags turn a statement into a question. They are frequently used to verify information that we believe to be correct. Tag questions are made using an auxiliary verb (e.g., am, is, are, have, was, has, should, could etc.) and a subject pronoun (e.g. you, they, she, it etc.) 

1. The tense of the statement and the question tag must match. 
For Example: Gungun is sleeping, isn’t she? 

2. Use the contracted version of “helping verb” and “not” for negative question tags. e.g. didn’t, hadn’t, won’t etc. 
For Example: Rajesh was eating his lunch, wasn’t he? 

3. If the statement is positive, the question tag must be negative, and the opposite is the case. 
For Example: 

  • He will not do his work, will he? 
  • Rita will surely do her work, won’t she? 

4. Pronouns must always be used in question tags. 
For Example: Hina and Pratik are playing, aren’t they?

Rules of Question Tags in English Grammar


If the sentence starts with let us/ let’s, we use “shall we” in the question. 
For Example: 

  • Let us go to the party tonight, shall we? 
  • Let’s meet at the pizza shop, shall we?

Rule- 2: 

There is no contracted form of “am not”. We use aren’t in the question tag. 
For Example: 

  • I am fine, aren’t I? 
  • I am right, aren’t I?


In Imperative sentences, the question tag “won’t you” is used. 
For Example: 

  • Come in, won’t you? 
  • Help me in solving the problem, won’t you?


Plural verbs and plural pronouns are used when discussing individual collective noun members or when there is disagreement among the members of the collective noun. 
For Example: 

  • The jury are divided in their opinion, aren’t they? 
  • The audience have taken their seats, haven’t they?


Since each, every, everyone, everyone, no one, nobody, and none are singular words, they must be accompanied by singular verbs, singular pronouns, and singular adjectives; however, the words in their question tag must be in the plural for both the verb.
For Example: 


  • Everyone has left, hasn’t he? 
  • None of your friends like me, does he/she? 


  • Everyone has left, haven’t they? 
  • None of your friends like me, do they?


Singular pronouns and singular verbs are used with collective nouns in question tags. 
For Example: 

  • The committee was organizing the programme, wasn’t it?


Always create a question tag in line with the main part of the statement. 
For Example: 

  • I think, he is here, isn’t he? 
    (It is not the primary part of the statement because “I think” is not significant in this context.“he is here” is the fact that needs to be checked or verified)


“There” will be used for the pronoun in the question tag if the sentence’s first word is “there.” 
For Example: 

  • There is no water, is there? 
  • There were no good schools in the town, were there?


Some words are negative in meaning. e.g., hardly, seldom, scarcely, rarely, barely etc. They will therefore use the affirmative question tag. 
For Example: 

  • He hardly ate anything for days, does he? 
  • He found barely anything to do, did he? 
  • He is seldom angry, is he?


“Will you/would you” is used in the question tag when someone is being offered something in an imperative statement or when they are being asked to do something. 
For Example: 

  • shut the door, would you? 
  • Have some more tea, would you?


In some cases, the sentence is lacking an auxiliary verb. The verb given in the sentence could be either in present simple or past simple (and is positive). We use don’t, doesn’t or didn’t (as per the tense used in the sentence). 
For Example: 

  • Rita eats cake, doesn’t she? 
  • Rahul hides everything from us, doesn’t he? 

SSC has announced the SSC Exam Calendar 2022, which lists the exam dates for all 2022 SSC exams, including the 2022 SSC CGL. In preparation for the upcoming SSC CGL 2022 and other SSC Exams 2022, we hope this article was useful for your understanding of the said topic.

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