Quantiphi Interview Experience for ChatBot Engineer (On-Campus)

Round – 1 (Online Test): The test had 7 sections which had the quantitative aptitude, qualitative aptitude, logical reasoning, data interpretation, English, coding, and SQL as sections. Results were declared the next day.

Interview Round 1 (30 minutes): I began by introducing myself, my skills, and my projects. He had some counter questions on my projects not going on the implementation details but testing on the knowledge which I may have gained while making them. Then the interviewer checked my knowledge on OOPs and DBMS  before finally jumping on DSA. Some of the subject-related questions were:- What is NoSQL, ACID properties, the difference between Abstraction and Encapsulation. The DSA interviewer first asked a basic array-based question and then asked my approach for a medium-level (going by gfg standards) string question. The interviewer was friendly and promptly communicated when I explained my approach.

Tip:  Think loud when coding as it gives them a chance to see how you approach the problem. Don’t lower your voice/ mutter/ show signs of underconfidence when something goes wrong. Talk confidently and show them how you approach solving bugs.

Interview Round 2 (15 minutes): It was another technical round purely discussing my programming language skill (Python) as I had Python mentioned on my Resume. The interviewer asked (starting from basic level to advanced) theoretical questions and no coding questions.

Some of the questions were:- Decorators in Python, deep copy vs shallow copy, lambda function, and its relevance, etc.

Tip: The coding section was not their focus as it had 10 minutes for 3 questions. 2 of which were Pandas related and the last one was array-based.

All the best!!

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