Python | Tensorflow nn.relu() and nn.leaky_relu()

  • Computationally faster: The ReLU is a highly simplified function which is easily computed.
  • Fewer vanishing gradients: In machine learning, the update to a parameter is proportional to the partial derivative of the error function with respect to that parameters. If the gradient becomes extremely small, the updates will not be effective and the network might stop training at all. The ReLU does not saturate in the positive direction, whereas other activation functions like sigmoid and hyperbolic tangent saturate in both directions. Therefore, it has fewer vanishing gradients resulting in better training.
Syntax: tf.nn.relu(features, name=None) Parameters: features: A tensor of any of the following types: float32, float64, int32, uint8, int16, int8, int64, bfloat16, uint16, half, uint32, uint64. name (optional): The name for the operation. Return type: A tensor with the same type as that of features.
# Importing the Tensorflow library
import tensorflow as tf
# A constant vector of size 6
a = tf.constant([1.0, -0.5, 3.4, -2.1, 0.0, -6.5], dtype = tf.float32)
# Applying the ReLu function and
# storing the result in 'b'
b = tf.nn.relu(a, name ='ReLU')
# Initiating a Tensorflow session
with tf.Session() as sess:
    print('Input type:', a)
    print('Return type:', b)

Input type: Tensor("Const_10:0", shape=(6, ), dtype=float32)
Input: [ 1.        -0.5        3.4000001 -2.0999999  0.        -6.5      ]
Return type: Tensor("ReLU_9:0", shape=(6, ), dtype=float32)
Output: [ 1.         0.         3.4000001  0.         0.         0.       ]
Leaky ReLU:
Syntax: tf.nn.leaky_relu(features, alpha, name=None) Parameters: features: A tensor of any of the following types: float32, float64, int32, uint8, int16, int8, int64, bfloat16, uint16, half, uint32, uint64. alpha: The slope of the function for x < 0. Default value is 0.2. name (optional): The name for the operation. Return type: A tensor with the same type as that of features.
# Importing the Tensorflow library
import tensorflow as tf 
# A constant vector of size 6
a = tf.constant([1.0, -0.5, 3.4, -2.1, 0.0, -6.5], dtype=tf.float32)
# Applying the Leaky ReLu function with
# slope 0.01 and storing the result in 'b'
b = tf.nn.leaky_relu(a, alpha=0.01, name='Leaky_ReLU')
# Initiating a Tensorflow session
with tf.Session() as sess: 
    print('Input type:', a)
    print('Return type:', b)

Input type: Tensor("Const_2:0", shape=(6,), dtype=float32)
Input: [ 1.        -0.5        3.4000001 -2.0999999  0.        -6.5      ]
Return type: Tensor("Leaky_ReLU_1/Maximum:0", shape=(6,), dtype=float32)
Output: [ 1.        -0.005      3.4000001 -0.021      0.        -0.065    ]

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