Python | sympy.sqrt() method

With the help of sympy.sqrt() method, we can find the square root of any value in terms of values and also in terms of symbolically simplified mathematical expression.

Syntax: sqrt(val)

val – It is the value on which square root operation is to be performed.

Returns: Returns square root in terms of values and symbolically simplified mathematical expression corresponding to the input expression.

Example #1:

# import sympy 
from sympy import * 
val = 256
print("Value : {}".format(val)) 
# Use sympy.sqrt() method 
sqrt_val = sqrt(val)  
print("Square root of value : {}".format(sqrt_val))  


Value : 256
Square root of value : 16

Example #2:

# import sympy 
from sympy import * 
val = 8
print("Value : {}".format(val)) 
# Use sympy.sqrt() method 
sqrt_val = sqrt(val)  
print("Square root of value : {}".format(sqrt_val))  


Value : 8
Square root of value : 2*sqrt(2)

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