Python | sympy.cancel() method

With the help of sympy.cancel() method, we are able to any rational function and put it into a standard canonical form i.e p/q.

Syntax : sympy.cancel()
Return : Return the canonical expression of any rational function.

Example #1 :
In the given example, we can see that by using sympy.cancel() method, we can find the canonical form of any rational number i.e (p/q).

# import sympy
from sympy import * x, y, z = symbols('x y z')
gfg_exp = (x**2 + 2 * x + 1)/(x**2 + x)
# Using sympy.collect() method
gfg_exp = cancel(gfg_exp)

Output :

(x + 1)/x

Example #2 :

# import sympy
from sympy import * x, y, z = symbols('x y z')
gfg_exp = 1 / x + (3 * x / 2 - 2)/(x - 4)
# Using sympy.collect() method
gfg_exp = cancel(gfg_exp)

Output :

(3*x**2 – 2*x – 8)/(2*x**2 – 8*x)

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