Python String find() method

Python String find() method returns the lowest index or first occurrence of the substring if it is found in a given string.



# initializing a string
word = 'find me if you can'
# using string find() method



Python String find() Method Syntax

str_obj.find(sub, start, end)


  • sub: Substring that needs to be searched in the given string. 
  • start (optional): Starting position where the substring needs to be checked within the string. 
  • end (optional): The end position is the index of the last value for the specified range. It is excluded while checking. 


Returns the lowest index of the substring if it is found in a given string. If it’s not found then it returns -1.


  1. If the start and end indexes are not provided then by default it takes 0 and length-1 as starting and ending indexes where ending indexes are not included in our search.
  2. The find() method is similar to the index(). The only difference is find() returns -1 if the searched string is not found and index() throws an exception in this case.

What is the String find() Method?

String find() is an in-built function in Python that is used to find the index of a substring within a given string.

It is a very easy and useful string function, that can help us find a given substring. It returns the index of the substring if it is found in the string, but if the substring is not present in the string it returns -1.

How to use the string find() method?

String.find() method returns the index of a substring in a string and using the find() function is very easy. You just need to call the find function with the object string and pass the substring as a parameter.

Let’s understand it better with an example:


string = " hello world is the first code of every programmer"



More Examples on String find() Method

Let’s look at some string find() method examples with programs and understand how to use the string find() method with some variations. Below are the ways by which we can use the string find method in Python:

  • With No start and end Argument
  • With start and end Arguments
  • Total Occurrences of a Substring
  • Check if the Substring Exists

1. find() With No start and end Argument

When the find() function is called without specifying the start and end arguments, it searches for the first occurrence of the substring within the entire input string from the beginning to the end.

In this example, the find() method is used on the string ‘Beginner for Beginner’ to locate the index of the first occurrence of the substrings ‘Beginner’ and ‘for’. The method returns the starting index of the substring if found, and -1 otherwise.


word = 'Beginner for Beginner'
# returns first occurrence of Substring
result = word.find('Beginner')
print("Substring 'Beginner' found at index:", result)
result = word.find('for')
print("Substring 'for ' found at index:", result)
# How to use find()
if word.find('pawan') != -1:
    print("Contains given substring ")
    print("Doesn't contains given substring")


Substring 'Beginner' found at index: 0
Substring 'for ' found at index: 6
Doesn't contains given substring

2. find() With start and end Arguments

When the find() function is called with the start and/or end arguments, it searches for the first occurrence of the substring within the specified portion of the input string, delimited by the start and/or end indices.


word = 'Beginner for Beginner'
# Substring is searched in 'eks for Beginner'
print(word.find('ge', 2))
# Substring is searched in 'eks for Beginner'
print(word.find('Beginner ', 2))
# Substring is searched in 's for g'
print(word.find('g', 4, 10))
# Substring is searched in 's for g'
print(word.find('for ', 4, 11))



3. Total Occurrences of a Substring using find()

find() function can be used to count the total occurrences of a word in a string.


main_string = "Hello, hello, Hello, HELLO! , hello"
sub_string = "hello"
for i in range(len(main_string)):
  j = main_string.find(sub_string,start_index)
    start_index = j+1
print("Total occurrences are: ", count_er)


Total occurrences are:  2

4. Check if the Substring Exists using the find() Function

In this example, the code uses the find() method to check if the substring “Python” exists in the string “Python is powerful.” If the substring is found, it prints a message indicating its existence; otherwise, it prints a message stating that the substring does not exist in the text.


text = "Python is powerful."
substring = "Python"
if text.find(substring) != -1:
    print(f"The substring '{substring}' exists in the text.")
    print(f"The substring '{substring}' does not exist in the text.")


The substring 'Python' exists in the text.

We have covered the definition, syntax, and different examples of the Python string find() method. This function is very useful for finding substrings within a string. It is a very simple and easy-to-use string method.

Read more articles related to how to find a substring in a string:

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