Python | shutil.disk_usage() method

Shutil module in Python provides many functions of high-level operations on files and collections of files. It comes under Python’s standard utility modules. This module helps in automating process of copying and removal of files and directories.
shutil.disk_usage() method tells the disk usage statistics about the given path as a named tuple with the attributes total, used and free where total represents total amount of memory, used represents used memory and free represents free memory.
Note: All the memory values are in bytes.

Syntax: shutil.disk_usage(path)

path: A string representing the path.

Return Value: This method returns a named tuple with the attributes total, used and free which are the amount of total, used and free space, in bytes

Example #1 :
Using shutil.disk_usage() method to know about memory usage statistics of w3wiki server.

# Python program to explain shutil.disk_usage() method 
# importing os module 
import os 
# importing shutil module 
import shutil 
# path 
# As the path for GFG is root so '/' is used
path = '/'
# Using shutil.disk_usage() method
memory = shutil.disk_usage(path) 
# Print result


usage(total=51976970240, used=27151167488, free=24809025536)

Example #2 :
Using shutil.disk_usage() method to know about memory usage statistics of any user Computer.

# Python program to explain shutil.disk_usage() method 
# importing os module 
import os 
# importing shutil module 
import shutil 
# path 
path = 'C:/Users/User_name/w3wiki'
# Using shutil.disk_usage() method
memory = shutil.disk_usage(path) 
# Print result


usage(total=209190907904, used=92728918016, free=116461989888)

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