Python | Print list after removing element at given index

In this article, we will see how we can remove elements at a given index and print the list afterward.


Input1: list = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50] 
             index = 2
Output1: [10, 20, 40, 50] 
Input2: list = [10, 20, 40, 50] 
             index = 0 
Output2: [20, 40, 50] 

Print list after removing element at given index

Below are the methods by which we can remove element at a given index in a list in Python

  • Remove and Display List
  • Using pop()
  • del function
  • Using reduce()
  • Using NumPy module

Remove and Display List Element at Position

Using traversal in the list, we will append all the index values except the given index to a new list and then print the new list. For this we will require a new list where we can append all the values except the given index value.


def remove(list1, pos):
    newlist = []
    # traverse in the list
    for x in range(len(list1)):
        # if index not equal to pos
        if x != pos:
# driver code
list1 = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50]
pos = 2
remove(list1, pos)


10 20 40 50

Removing Element at Given Index in Python List using pop()

pop() function helps us to pop the value at any desired position that is passed in the parameter, if nothing is passed in the parameter, then it removes the last index value. In this example, we are using pop().


def remove(list1, pos):
    # pop the element at index = pos
# driver code
list1 = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50]
pos = 2
remove(list1, pos)


10 20 40 50

Python Remove Elements from a List Using del Keyword

del Keyword can be used to remove any element at any given position. If -1 or -2 is given in the [] brackets, then it deletes the last and second last element respectively. In this example, we are using del keyword.


def remove(list1, pos):
    # delete the element at index = pos
    del list1[pos]
# driver code
list1 = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50]
pos = 2
remove(list1, pos)


10 20 40 50

Remove Elements in a List Using reduce()

In this example, we are using reduce() to remove an element at a particular index.


from functools import reduce
# list from which we have to remove the element
list1 = [20, 35, 'GFG ', 99, 33, 45, 23]
# implementing reduce() function
new = reduce(lambda a, b: a+[b] if list1.index(b)
             not in [0, 2] else a, list1, [])


[35, 99, 33, 45, 23]

Print List After Removing Element Using NumPy Module

In this example, we are using numpy.delete() function to remove an element at a given index in the Python List.


import numpy as np
def remove(list1, pos):
    arr = np.array(list1)
    # Deleting element at given position using numpy.delete() function
    new_arr = np.delete(arr, pos)
    # Converting NumPy array back to list
    new_list = new_arr.tolist()
    # Printing updated list
# driver code
list1 = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50]
pos = 2
remove(list1, pos)


10 20 40 50

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