Python | Print all string combination from given numbers

Given an integer N as input, the task is to print the all the string combination from it in lexicographical order.


Input :  191
Output : aia sa
The Possible String digit are 
1, 9 and 1 --> aia
19 and 1 --> sa

Input : 1119
Output : aaai aas aki kai ks


  • Get the String and find all its combination list in the given order.
  • Find the list whose integers lies in the range of 0 to 25.
  • Convert the integers to the alphabets.
  • Sort it in lexicographical order.

# Python program to print all string
# combination from given numbers
# Function to find the combination
def Number_to_String(String):
    # length of string 
    length = len(String)
    # temporary lists
    temp1 =[]
    temp2 =[]
    # alphabets Sequence
    alphabet ="abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
    # Power variable
    power = 2**(length-1)
    for i in range(0, power):
        # temporary String
        sub = ""
        Shift =
        x = 0
        sub += String[x]
        x += 1
        for j in range(length - 1):
            if Shift&1:
                sub+=" "
            Shift = Shift>>1
            sub += String[x]
            x += 1 
        temp1.append(list(map(int, sub.split())))
    # Integer to String     
    for index in temp1: 
        substring =""
        for j in index:
            if j > 0 and j <= 26
                substring += alphabet[j-1]
        if len(substring) == len(index):
    # lexicographical order sorting
    print(*sorted(temp2), sep =" ")
# Driver Code


aia sa
aiia sia
aecb ocb
aaia asa kia

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