Python Pandas – Return the midpoint of the Interval

In this article, we will discuss how to return the midpoint of the given intervals using pandas in the python programming languages.

Pandas Interval.mid property is used to find the midpoint of the interval. It returns the midpoint of the interval. The midpoint is the center of two points of an interval. it is a point that is equidistant from the upper bound and the lower bound in an interval.

Example 1: 

Pandas package is imported and an interval is created. Interval.left is used to retrieve the left bound for the interval. Interval.right is used to retrieve the right bound for the interval. Interval.mid is used to find the midpoint of the interval. Interval.length is used to find the length of the interval.


# import packages
import pandas as pd
# creating 1st interval
interval1 = pd.Interval(0, 10)
print('The interval\'s left bound is : ' + str(interval1.left))
print('The interval\'s right bound is : ' + str(interval1.right))
print('The length of the interval is : ' + str(interval1.length))
print('mid point of the interval is : '+str(interval1.mid))


The interval's left bound is : 0
The interval's right bound is : 10
The length of the interval is : 10
mid point of the interval is : 5.0

Special Case:

Instead of using the interval.mid property, we can also check by using the formula (Interval.left+Interval.right)/2. The same result is returned.


# import packages
import pandas as pd
# creating 1st interval
interval1 = pd.Interval(0, 10)
print('The interval\'s left bound is : ' + str(interval1.left))
print('The interval\'s right bound is :  : ' + str(interval1.right))
print('The length of the interval is : ' + str(interval1.length))
print('mid point of the interval is : ' + str((interval1.left+interval1.right)/2))


The interval's left bound is : 0
The interval's right bound is : 10
The length of the interval is : 10
mid point of the interval is : 5.0

Example 2:

In this example we use the closed parameter, one case where closed is ‘both’ and another case where closed is neither or open interval. A closed interval has its left-most bound and rightmost bound. An open interval doesn’t include its left-most bound and rightmost bound. But in the recent version of pandas, the result is the same for both cases.


# import packages
import pandas as pd
# creating intervals
# an interval closed on both sides a<=x<=b
interval1 = pd.Interval(0, 10, closed='both')
# an open interval a<x<b. the ends aren't included.
interval2 = pd.Interval(15, 25, closed='neither')
print('interval1\'s left bound is : ' + str(interval1.left))
print('interval1\'s right bound is : ' + str(interval1.right))
print('The length of interval1 is : ' + str(interval1.length))
print('mid point of the interval1 is : '+str(interval1.mid))
print('interval2\'s left bound is : ' + str(interval2.left))
print('interval2\'s right bound is :  ' + str(interval2.right))
print('The length of interval2 is : ' + str(interval2.length))
print('mid point of the interval1 is : '+str(interval2.mid))


interval1's left bound is : 0
interval1's right bound is : 10
The length of interval1 is : 10
mid point of the interval1 is : 5.0
interval2's left bound is : 15
interval2's right bound is :  25
The length of interval2 is : 10
mid point of the interval1 is : 20.0

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