Python | Pandas Index.drop_duplicates()

Pandas Index.drop_duplicates() function return Index with duplicate values removed in Python.

Syntax of Pandas Index.drop_duplicates()

Syntax: Index.drop_duplicates(labels, errors=’raise’) 

Parameters : keep : {‘first’, ‘last’, False}

  • ‘first’ : Drop duplicates except for the first occurrence.(default)
  • ‘last’ : Drop duplicates except for the last occurrence. 
  • False : Drop all duplicates. 

Returns : deduplicated: Index

Examples of Index.drop_duplicates()

The function provides the flexibility to choose which duplicate value to be retained. We can drop all duplicate values from the list or leave the first/last occurrence of the duplicated values.

Example 1: Use Index.drop_duplicates() function to drop all the occurrences of the duplicate value. Let’s drop all occurrences of duplicate values in the Index except the first occurrence. 


# importing pandas as pd
import pandas as pd
# Creating the Index
idx = pd.Index([10, 11, 5, 5, 22, 5, 3, 11])
# drop all duplicate occurrences of the
# labels and keep the first occurrence
idx.drop_duplicates(keep ='first')



Example 2: Use Index.drop_duplicate() function to drop all duplicate occurrences of the label. Do not keep any duplicated values in the Index. 


# importing pandas as pd
import pandas as pd
# Creating the Index
idx = pd.Index([10, 11, 5, 5, 22, 5, 3, 11])
# drop all duplicate occurrences of the labels
# Print the Index



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