Python | PageLayout in Kivy

Kivy is a platform independent GUI tool in Python. As it can be run on Android, IOS, linux, and Windows, etc. It is basically used to develop the Android application, but it does not mean that it can not be used on Desktops applications.


The PageLayout works in a different manner from other layouts. It is a dynamic layout, in the sense that it allows flipping through pages using its borders. The idea is that its components are stacked in front of each other, and we can just see the one that is on top. 
The PageLayout class is used to create a simple multi-page layout, in a way that allows easy flipping from one page to another using border.

To use PageLayout you have to import it by the below command:  

from kivy.uix.pagelayout import PageLayout

PageLayout does not currently honor the size_hint, size_hint_min, size_hint_max, or pos_hint properties.That means we can not use all these in a page layout.

Basic Approach to create PageLayout:  

1) import kivy
2) import kivyApp
3) import Pagelayout
4) import button
5) Set minimum version(optional)
6) create App class:
        - define build() function
7) return Layout/widget/Class(according to requirement)
8) Run an instance of the class

Implementation of the Approach: 


# Sample Python application demonstrating 
# How to create PageLayout in Kivy
import kivy
# base Class of your App inherits from the App class.  
# app:always refers to the instance of your application  
from import App
# The PageLayout class is used to create
# a simple multi-page layout,
# in a way that allows easy flipping from
# one page to another using borders.
from kivy.uix.pagelayout import PageLayout
# creates the button in kivy 
# if not imported shows the error 
from kivy.uix.button import Button
class PageLayout(PageLayout):
    Define class PageLayout here
    def __init__(self):
        # The super function in Python can be
        # used to gain access to inherited methods
        # which is either from a parent or sibling class.
        super(PageLayout, self).__init__()
        # creating buttons on different pages
        btn1 = Button(text ='Page 1')
        btn2 = Button(text ='Page 2')
        btn3 = Button(text ='Page 3')
        # adding button on the screen
        # by add widget method
# creating the App class
class Page_LayoutApp(App):
    App class here
    def build(self):
        build function here
        return PageLayout()
# Run the App
if __name__ == '__main__':

Page 1 image 

Page 2 image 

Page 3 image 

In PageLayout You can add some features on every page. We can add image, create canvas, add color, add multiple widgets, multiple layouts 
This is how we can use the PageLayout in an efficient way. One of the best example Our gallery Contains multiple pages.
Below is the code in which i am adding the different color to every page with the help of get_color_from_hex

Implementation of the PageLayout with features 


# Sample Python application demonstrating the
# working of PageLayout in Kivy with some features
import kivy
# base Class of your App inherits from the App class.  
# app:always refers to the instance of your application  
from import App
# The PageLayout class is used to create
# a simple multi-page layout,
# in a way that allows easy flipping from
# one page to another using borders.
from kivy.uix.pagelayout import PageLayout
# creates the button in kivy 
# if not imported shows the error 
from kivy.uix.button import Button
# The Utils module provides a selection of general utility
# functions and classes that may be useful for various applications.
# These include maths, color, algebraic and platform functions.
# Here we are using color from the module
# By get_color_from_hex
# Transform a hex string color to a kivy Color.
from kivy.utils import get_color_from_hex
class PageLayout(PageLayout):
    Define class PageLayout here
    def __init__(self):
        # The super function in Python can be
        # used to gain access to inherited methods
        # which is either from a parent or sibling class.
        super(PageLayout, self).__init__()
        # creating buttons on different pages
        # Button 1 or Page 1
        btn1 = Button(text ='Page 1')
        # Adding Colour to page
        # Here we are using colour from
        btn1.background_color = get_color_from_hex('# FF0000')
        btn2 = Button(text ='Page 2')
        btn2.background_color = get_color_from_hex('# 00FF00')
        btn3 = Button(text ='Page 3')
        btn3.background_color = get_color_from_hex('# 0000FF')
        # adding button on the screen
        # by add widget method
# creating the App class
class Page_LayoutApp(App):
    App class here
    def build(self):
        build function here
        return PageLayout()
# Run the App
if __name__ == '__main__':

Page 1 

Page 2 

Page 3 

Video Output: 

Note: More effective when works on Android, Ios, any other touch supported Laptops. 

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