Python | os.device_encoding() method

OS module in Python provides functions for interacting with the operating system. OS comes under Python’s standard utility modules. This module provides a portable way of using operating system dependent functionality.

os.device_encoding() method in Python is used to get the encoding of the device associated with the specified file descriptor, if it is connected to a terminal. This method returns None, if the specified file descriptor is not connected to a terminal.

Note: This method is available only on some flavour of UNIX.

Syntax: os.device_encoding(fd)

fd: A file descriptor, whose device encoding is to be queried.

Return Type: This method returns a string value which represents the encoding of the device associated with the specified file descriptor if it is connected to a terminal, otherwise None.

Code: Use of os.device_encoding() method to get the encoding of the device associated with the given file descriptor

# Python program to explain os.device_encoding() method  
# importing os module 
import os
# File path
path = "/home/ihritik/Desktop/file.txt"
# Open the file and get 
# the file descriptor associated
# with it using method 
fd =, os.O_RDWR | os.O_CREAT)
# Check if file descriptor fd
# is open and connected
# to a terminal using os.isatty() method
print("Connected to a terminal:", os.isatty(fd))
# Print the encoding of
# the device associated with
# the file descriptor fd
# using os.device_encoding() method
print("Device encoding:", os.device_encoding(fd)) 
# Open a new pseudo-terminal pair
# using os.openpty() method
# It will return master and slave 
# file descriptor for 
# pty ( pseudo terminal device) and
# tty ( native terminal device) respectively
master, slave = os.openpty()
# Check if file descriptor master
# is open and connected
# to a terminal using os.isatty() method
print("Connected to a terminal:", os.isatty(master))
# Print the encoding of
# the device associated with
# the file descriptor master
# using os.device_encoding() method
print("Device encoding:", os.device_encoding(master)) 


Connected to a terminal: False
Device encoding: None
Connected to a terminal: True
Device encoding: UTF-8

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