Python | Numpy MaskedArray.__abs__ class is a subclass of ndarray designed to manipulate numerical arrays with missing data. With the help of Numpy MaskedArray.__abs__ operator we can find the absolute value of each and every element in an array. Suppose we have a values 31.74, with the help of MaskedArray.__abs__() it will be converted into 31.

Syntax: numpy.MaskedArray.__abs__

Return: floor(self)

Example #1 :
In this example we can see that after applying MaskedArray.__abs__(), we get the simple array that can contain the absolute values of all the elements of an array.

# import the important module in python 
import numpy as np 
# make an array with numpy 
gfg = np.array([1.45, 2.32, 3.98, 4.41, 5.55, 6.12]) 
# applying MaskedArray.____() method 


[ 1  2  3  4  5  6]

Example #2:

# import the important module in python 
import numpy as np 
# make an array with numpy 
gfg = np.array([[1.22, 2.25, -3.21, 4.45, 5.56, 6], 
                [-6.65, 5.55, 4.32, 3.33, 2.12, -1.05]]) 
# applying MaskedArray.__abs__() method 


[[ 1  2  3  4  5  6 ]
 [ 6  5  4  3  2  1]]

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