Python MySQL – Order By Clause

A connector is employed when we have to use MySQL with other programming languages. The work of MySQL-connector is to provide access to MySQL Driver to the required language. Thus, it generates a connection between the programming language and the MySQL Server.

OrderBy Clause

OrderBy is used to arrange the result set in either ascending or descending order. By default, it is always in ascending order unless “DESC” is mentioned, which arranges it in descending order.
“ASC” can also be used to explicitly arrange it in ascending order. But, it is generally not done this way since default already does that.


SELECT column1, column2
FROM table_name
ORDER BY column_name ASC|DESC;

The following programs will help you understand this better.

Example 1: Program to arrange the data in ascending order by name

# Python program to demonstrate
# order by clause
import mysql.connector
# Connecting to the Database
mydb = mysql.connector.connect(
  host ='localhost',
  database ='College',
  user ='root',
  password = ''
cs = mydb.cursor()
# Order by clause
statement ="SELECT * FROM Student ORDER BY Name"
result_set = cs.fetchall()
for x in result_set:
# Disconnecting from the database


Example 2: Arranging the database in descending order

# Python program to demonstrate
# order by clause
import mysql.connector
# Connecting to the Database
mydb = mysql.connector.connect(
  host ='localhost',
  database ='College',
  user ='root',
cs = mydb.cursor()
# Order by clause
statement ="SELECT * FROM Student ORDER BY Name DESC"
result_set = cs.fetchall()
for x in result_set:
# Disconnecting from the database  


Example 3: Program to get namefrom the table, arranged in descending order by Roll no.

# Python program to demonstrate
# order by clause
import mysql.connector
# Connecting to the Database
mydb = mysql.connector.connect(
  host ='localhost',
  database ='College',
  user ='root',
cs = mydb.cursor()
# Order by clause
statement ="SELECT Name FROM Student ORDER BY Roll_no DESC"
result_set = cs.fetchall()
for x in result_set:
# Disconnecting from the database


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