Python MongoDB – find_one_and_replace Query

find_one_and_replace() method search one document if finds then replaces with the given second parameter in MongoDb. find_one_and_replace() method is differ from find_one_and_update() with the help of filter it replace the document rather than update the existing document.


find_one_and_replace(filter, replacement, projection=None, sort=None, return_document=ReturnDocument.BEFORE, session=None, **kwargs)

filter: A query for replacement of a matched document. 

  • replacement: replacement document. 
  • projection: it is optional.A list of a field that should be returned in the result. 
  • sort: key, direction pair for the sort order of query. 
  • return_document: ReturnDocument.BEFORE (default) will return the original document without replacement. ReturnDocument.AFTER will return the replaced or inserted document.
    **kwargs: Additional commands. 

Sample database used in all the below examples:

Example 1: 


import pymongo
# establishing connection
# to the database
client = pymongo.MongoClient("mongodb://localhost:27017/")
# Database name
db = client["mydatabase"]
# Collection name
col = db["gfg"]
# replace with the help of
# find_one_and_replace()
col.find_one_and_replace({'coursename': 'SYSTEM DESIGN'},
                         {'coursename': 'PHP'})
# print the document after replacement
for x in col.find({}, {"_id": 0, "coursename": 1, "price": 1}):



Example 2: 


import pymongo
# establishing connection
# to the database
client = pymongo.MongoClient("mongodb://localhost:27017/")
# Database name
db = client["mydatabase"]
# Collection name
col = db["gfg"]
# replace with the help of
# find_one_and_replace()
col.find_one_and_replace({'price': 9999}, {'price': 19999})
# print the document after replacement
for x in col.find({}, {"_id": 0, "coursename": 1, "price": 1}):



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