Python Indentation Error: Inconsistent use of Tabs and Spaces

In Python programming, making sure you use the same kind of spacing when you indent your code is important. If you mix tabs and spaces in your indentation, it can cause errors in your code. This article will explain what this error is, why it happens, and offer solutions to fix it.

What is Inconsistent Use Of Tabs And Spaces In Indentation Error?

The Inconsistent Use Of Tabs And Spaces In Indentation Error occurs when a Python script mixes tabs and spaces for indentation within the same block of code. Python, being a whitespace-sensitive language, relies on consistent indentation to delineate blocks of code, and mixing tabs and spaces can lead to confusion and errors during code execution.

Why does Inconsistent Use Of Tabs And Spaces In Indentation Error Occur?

Below, are the reasons for occurring Inconsistent Use Of Tabs And Spaces In Indentation Error in Python.

Editor Settings Mismatch

Different code editors or IDEs might interpret indentation settings differently. If developers switch between editors with distinct tab or space preferences, it can result in inconsistent indentation.


def example_function():
print("This line uses a mix of tabs and spaces")

Output :

Hangup (SIGHUP)
File "", line 2
print("This line uses a mix of tabs and spaces")
IndentationError: expected an indented block

Unexpected Indentation

When code is copied from various sources or collaborators with differing indentation styles, it can introduce a mix of tabs and spaces, leading to indentation errors.


def copied_function():
  print("Code copied with a mix of tabs and spaces")

Output :

Hangup (SIGHUP)
File "", line 1
def copied_function():
IndentationError: unexpected indent

Manual Editing Mistakes

Developers might inadvertently mix tabs and spaces when manually editing code. This can happen during refactoring or when modifying code in an inconsistent editing environment


def edited_function():
print("Tabs and spaces are mistakenly mixed")
print("This line uses a tab")

Output :

Hangup (SIGHUP)
File "", line 2
print("Tabs and spaces are mistakenly mixed")
IndentationError: expected an indented block

Fix Inconsistent Use Of Tabs And Spaces In Indentation Error

Below are some of the solution to fix this error:

Avoid Unexpected Indentation

Ensure that your code editor or IDE is configured to use either tabs or spaces consistently. Set your preferred indentation style in the editor settings to avoid conflicts.


def copied_function():
    print("Code copied with a mix of tabs and spaces")

Correct Spaces

Check the code and according to the indentation correct the python indentation and again run the code issue will be resolved.


def edited_function():
  print("Tabs and spaces are mistakenly mixed")


Inconsistent use of tabs and spaces in indentation is a common pitfall that can lead to frustrating errors in Python code. By understanding the reasons behind this issue and adopting proactive measures such as using linters, configuring editor settings, and automating conversion, developers can ensure clean and consistent indentation practices. Consistent indentation not only eliminates errors but also contributes to code readability and maintainability, making the development process smoother and more efficient.

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