Python IMDbPY – Retrieving art department cast from the movie object

In this article we will see how we can retrieve the art department cast that involved in the movie from the movie information, movie id is the unique id given to each movie by IMDb. We can use search_movie method to search the movies by their name but it gives many movies as they have same names therefore retrieving a movie by its id is a better option.

In order to search a movie by its id we use get_movie method.

Syntax to get art department cast list : cast = movie[‘art department’]

Here movie is the object returned by the get_movie method which act as the dictionary

Below is the implementation.

# importing the module
import imdb
# creating instance of IMDb
ia = imdb.IMDb()
# ID
code = "1187043"
# getting movie
movie = ia.get_movie(code)
# printing movie object
# getting cast
cast = movie['art department']
# actor name from caste
actor = cast[1]

Output :

3 Idiots
Ajay Chodanker

Another example :

# importing the module
import imdb
# creating instance of IMDb
ia = imdb.IMDb()
# ID
code = "4434004"
# getting movie
movie = ia.get_movie(code)
# printing movie object
# getting cast
cast = movie['art department']
# printing actors name from caste

Output :

Udta Punjab
Pallavi Pethkar

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