Python – cmath.sinh() function

cmath is python built-in module that is used for complex number mathematics. cmath module has a method sinh() that returns hyperbolic sine of the complex number passed to it.

Syntax: cmath.sinh(Z)

Parameter: It requires only one parameter i.e the number for which hyperbolic sine needs to be calculated.

Return: Returns a complex number that is the hyperbolic sine of the number passed.

Example 1: 


# Import the Library
import cmath 
# Printing the result
print (cmath.sinh(5 + 3j))



Example 2: In this example real number is passed but the returned result is still a complex number.


# Import the Library
import cmath 
# Printing the result
print (cmath.sinh(1))



Example 3: In this example no argument is passed in this case TypeError will be thrown


# Import the Library
import cmath 
# Printing the result
print (cmath.sinh())


TypeError: sinh() takes exactly one argument (0 given)

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