Puzzle | Legs

You are standing in one of the biggest palaces in the world “Hofburg Palace, Vienna”. In palace, five commando are staying. Each commando has been allotted five big rooms and each room contains five huge tigers. Each huge tiger has five small tigers.
How many legs are there in the Palace ?

Solution : 3012
Explanation : We all know a tiger has 4 legs.

Step – 1 :
Five commando allotted five rooms each, number of rooms = 5 * 5 = 25
Each room has five huge tigers, number of huge tigers = 25 * 5 = 125
Each huge tiger has five small tigers, number of small tigers = 125 * 5 = 625
Total tigers = 125 + 625 = 750
Number of legs of tigers = 750 * 4 = 3000

Step – 2 :
There are five soldiers.
Number of legs of soldiers = 5 * 2 = 10

Step – 3 :
Your leg = 2

Total legs = 3000 + 10 + 2 = 3012

References : https://gpuzzles.com/mind-teasers/classic-legs-puzzle/

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