Publishing packages with Poetry

Poetry has revolutionized the way Python developers manage their dependencies and publish their packages. Its simple, intuitive, and powerful interface streamlines the process of creating and maintaining Python projects. This article provides a comprehensive guide on how to publish packages using Poetry, ensuring your work is accessible and shareable with the Python community.

Creating a New Project

Poetry simplifies the creation of new Python projects. To create a new project, use the new command:

poetry new my_project

This command generates a project structure with the following layout:

├── pyproject.toml
├── README.rst
├── my_project
│ └──
├── tests
│ └──
└── tests/

Configuring the Project

The pyproject.toml file is the central configuration file for your project. It includes metadata about your project, such as its name, version, authors, and dependencies. Here is an example of a pyproject.toml file:

name = "my_project"
version = "0.1.0"
description = "A sample Python project"
authors = ["Your Name <>"]

python = "^3.8"

pytest = "^6.2"

Adding Dependencies

To add dependencies to your project, use the add command. For example, to add requests as a dependency, run:

poetry add requests

For development dependencies, use the –dev flag:

poetry add --dev black

Poetry automatically updates the pyproject.toml file with the new dependencies.

Building the Package

Once your project is ready, you need to build it before publishing. The build command creates distribution files:

poetry build

This command generates two types of distribution files in the dist/ directory:

  • A source archive (.tar.gz)
  • A wheel (.whl)

These files are what you’ll upload to PyPI.

Publishing the Package with Poetry

Before publishing your package, ensure you have an account on PyPI. If you don’t have one, create an account and obtain an API token for uploading packages.

Configuring PyPI

To configure Poetry to use your PyPI credentials, use the config command:

poetry config pypi-token.pypi <your-pypi-token>

Publishing to PyPI

With your credentials configured, you can publish your package using the publish command:

poetry publish --build

This command builds the package and uploads it to PyPI.


Poetry makes publishing Python packages straightforward and efficient. By providing a unified tool for dependency management, project configuration, and package distribution, Poetry saves developers time and effort. Whether you’re maintaining an open-source library or a private project, Poetry ensures your package is ready for the world to use.


Q1. Can I publish my package to a private repository instead of PyPI?

Yes, Poetry does allow for the publishing of packages with settings to both public as well as private repositories. In pyproject, you can set the value to the URL of the repository of your choice.

Q2. How can I ensure that my package dependencies are up-to-date?

You can use the poetry update command to update your package’s dependencies to their latest compatible versions. Poetry will automatically resolve and update your dependencies based on your project’s requirements.

Q3. What should I do if I encounter errors during the publishing process?

If you get any error message while compiling your package using Poetry, ensure that you read through the error messages as they hold pointer to the kind of problem that you are likely facing. Some common issues are, for example, authentication issues, method with no or incorrect metadata, and connectivity problems. If you are facing some problem or you have some question then you have to read Poetry’s documentation and you have to join it’s community forum.

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