Publicis Sapient Interview Experience for ASDE-II (On-Campus)

Interview Date: 05/09/21

Round 1: Coding Round

  • The initial online round consisted of two coding questions to be done in 60 minutes.
  • The first question was based on Map and Filters and language was fixed to JAVA initially ( can’t be changed ).
  • The second question was based on the application of priority queue ( can be done in any language).

Result: 30 shortlisted for interviews.

Round 2: Technical Round:   

  • It was a long 1 hour 10 minutes interview covering approx all topics related to computer science.
  • It started with a short introduction ( mainly technical education, experience ). Then it continued with project discussion. The interviewer asked me to discuss any of the two projects in detail and their advantages in the long run.
  • Then he asked me about the oops concept. I discussed all pillars of oops in great detail with real-world examples which I think impressed the interviewer. Always try to connect the concept with a real-world application that shows that you have real feelings for that topic.
  • Then he asked me small concepts from oops like what is Static member, Deep copy & Shallow copy.
  • After this, he asked me from DSA ( comparison between linked-list and array ). I discussed all major points which included ( random access, memory management, ease to use ).
  • Then he asked me these are common points all know, tell something new. Then I told the interesting difference between these two DS. I told him we can apply Binary Search on the sorted array but not on the linked list because of the fact that ( mid element should be calculated in O(1) time ) possible in array but not in the linked list. But we can apply binary search on the variation of linked-list ( skip-list) with some pre-processing.
  • Then he asked me to tell some applications where I can use linked-list to implement them ( other than browser history and all lol ). I told him we can use linked-list to implement Blockchain as both works on the approx same principle of containing address and if tempered we lost access to whole data.
  • Then he asked that we will code now, and asked me to implement linked-list from scratch with ( insertion at the end, delete a node at a given position, delete duplicates in sorted linked-list ).
  • After I coded the linked-list part, he asked me to code inheritance and explain it.  ( From some of the shortlisted candidates they asked BST, Strings )
  • After all this, he asked from Operating System about Process Synchronisation, why we need it, and Semaphores, Mutex-Lock.
  • Then he asked DBMS about what is Database Normalisation and its types.
  • Till now he was not done, he asked me about ReactJS. How many types of components do we use in ReactJS. He asked me to tell key differences between them. Then he asked which one should one use ( trick question, I replied there is no hard-coded rule can use any ). And asked which one are you using in your project.
  • Finally, he said I am done, if you have any questions for me. I asked him about how DSA is used in real-world applications. How it is decided that for this application which DS should be finalized.  What is the process and all?
  • Finally, after he answered interview was over.


  • The interview was on Sunday despite this fact
  • The interviewer was polite and helpful, he helped me where I got stuck a bit.

Result: 6 shortlisted.

Round 3: HR Round:

The HR round was of 45 minutes.

  • The interview started with a short introduction. After that, he asked me about the subjects I am studying at my college.  He asked my favorite subject and why I liked it the most.
  • Then he asked if I have worked with the team, what difficulties I faced and what I learned. He asked me about a project idea, and how will I implement it.
  • He was just checking whether I am the correct fit and will I be able to cope up with the team. He asked about my weakness. The most interesting question he asked was whether in past my friends have said that I am wrong and how I handled it. And if there is conflict in ideas in the project in a team, how I will manage it if I am team lead.
  • He asked about my hobbies. I said I do the painting. Without a second thought, he asked if I have any on my desktop to share it. I showed him some of my paintings.
  • The interviewer was very chill and was just having a normal conversation.
  • Finally, he asked if I have any questions for him. And after that process ended.

Result: All 6 were offered jobs.


  • Never be afraid, just show you are chill and confident it helps a lot. Don’t take it as a serious meeting.
  • Take time to explain answers well, if stuck never hesitate to ask the interviewer to help a bit so you can go ahead.
  • Try to explain concepts with examples. Speak point to point.

Hope my article will be of some help for your interview preparation.

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