Protein structure prediction in Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is an emerging technology that provides various computing services on demand. It provides convenient access to a shared pool of higher-level services and other system resources. Nowadays, cloud computing has a great significance in the fields of geology, biology, and other scientific research areas.

Protein structure prediction is the best example in research area that makes use of cloud applications for its computation and storage.

A protein is composed of long chains of amino acids joined together by peptide bonds. The various structures of protein help in the designing of new drugs and the various sequences of proteins from its three-dimensional structure in predictive form is known as a Protein structure prediction.

Firstly primary structures of proteins are formed and then prediction of the secondary, tertiary and quaternary structures are done from the primary one. In this way predictions of protein structures are done. Protein structure prediction also makes use of various other technologies like artificial neural networks, artificial intelligence, machine learning and probabilistic techniques, also holds great importance in fields like theoretical chemistry and bioinformatics.

There are various algorithms and tools that exists for protein structure prediction. CASP (Critical Assessment of Protein Structure Prediction) is a well-known tool that provides methods for automated web servers and the results of research work are placed on clouds like CAMEO (Continuous Automated Model Evaluation) server. These servers can be accessed by anyone as per their requirements from any place. Some of the tools or servers used in protein structure prediction are Phobius, FoldX, LOMETS, Prime, Predict protein, SignalP, BBSP, EVfold, Biskit, HHpred, Phre, ESyired3D. Using these tools new structures are predicted and the results are placed on the cloud-based servers.

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