PromptCloud Technologies Internship Interview Experience

PromptCloud Technologies is a Data-as-a-Service solution.

Before Shortlisting:

150+ students applied for internships. 33 students were shortlisted for the first round based on CGPA criteria(8.0). Luckily my CGPA was 9.23.

Round 1: Due to COVID-19 this round was held on HackerRank portal. 

  • This round consists of 20 MCQ’s and 2 programming questions.
  • We needed to complete this round within 3 hours, and it was video proctored.


  • 20 questions on HTML, Linux OS, Data Structures and algorithms, and Shell scripting.
  •  Negative marking was there for each question. 
  • Most of the questions were from DSA, and Shell scripting. 
  • So I have answered around 16 questions with confidence and 2 questions with confusion.

Programming Questions

  1. Don’t remember question, but it was time constraint problem where we need to optimize the solution. It was asked from Mathematics topic.
  2. Don’t remember question, but it was asked on Trees concept.

I have successfully written the code for first question and couldn’t write for second question.

After one week I got email that I have selected for second round and also key topics were sent to prepare for the interview.

Round 2: 1-hour (conducted on Google Meet)

  • Started exactly at 4.00 PM as schedule.
  • All the questions were asked from the Resume that I have given to them.

Theory questions

  1. What are OOPs?
  2. What are differences between OOPs and structural programming?
  3. What is Polymorphism?
  4. What is Abstraction?
  5. What is Method Overloading and Method overriding?
  6. Few questions on My project.

Tip: Try to explain each topic with real-world examples without hesitation.

I have answered all the questions within 20 minutes. After that programming questions were asked.

  1. Answered this question.
  2. Occurrence of repeated numbers in an array. I have given the solution, but it was not optimal. So interviewer asked to optimize the solution in O(N). But unfortunately, I was unable to answer in O(N).
  3. Finding Max Element in an array on its right-hand side. (Leader element).

I have answered the question, but it was in O(N^2) time complexity, so interviewer asked me to optimize and gave hints, but I was having a bad day and I couldn’t do it. Finally, it was 5.00 PM and interviewer asked me if I had any queries. I asked him how was my performance. He said you need to work on optimization of problem as anyone can give worst case solution to the problem.


  • My suggestion is learn programming along with optimized solutions. 
  • Also, don’t get nervous whether it may be your first interview or last interview.
  • Prepare well on your resume.

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