Project Idea |

Project Title:

Introduction: Nowadays web advertisement is growing very fast. Many Advertisers prefer to put their ads on Facebook pages, Instagram pages, Youtube channels rather than putting on TV or billboards outside.It is because of low fees demand by publishers(admin) and great effect on the mass population.
Therefore Here we came with an idea(website, app) that will help both advertisers as well as publishers. We are not saying that it is a new idea BUT yes it has not been implemented so well before.


  1. BUY
    • Website
    • YouTube Channel
    • Social Network Pages(facebook, instagram, twitter)
  2. SELL
    • Website
    • YouTube Channel
    • Social Network Pages(facebook, instagram, twitter)
  3. ADVERTISE Ads on (This is for advertisers)
    • Website
    • YouTube Channel
    • Social Network Pages(facebook, insta, twitter)
  4. PUBLISH Ads on (This is for Publishers)
    • Website
    • YouTube Channel
    • Social Network Pages(facebook, insta, twitter)

Tools Used: Technologies used for the Project:

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • PHP
  • MySql

ScreenShots of UI:

ScreenShort of DataBase:

Future Enhancements: In future, we will include payment transaction so if buyer want to buy something from seller then they will buy through us.

Note: This project idea is contributed for ProGeek Cup 2.0- A project competition by w3wiki.

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