Project Idea | KrishiKadam- A Smart Application for Agricultural

KrishiKadam is a multi-faceted product idea, that brings together three fundamentals, the knowledge of which, we believe will help our farmers grow and prosper better in the field. Our product comprises a user-friendly mobile application along with ground sensors that will be connected to the app.

Purpose: Agriculture is the primary source of income for India and such an important sector, it is important that our farmers are aware of their rights, needs, and the various resources available for them, alongside the knowledge of how they can implement these.

The objective of the Project: We seek to provide three sections/kinds of information to our farmers in the form of an app+sensors to help them:


  • Section 1 – Awareness section: Aims to spread awareness, giving our farmers important information for their growth and development which will help them understand the advantages and opportunities available to them.
  • Section 2 – Current Crop/Soil Information: Gives our farmers alerts by using sensors that connect to the app and update the user of any important information such as humidity conditions, temperature, rain, soil moistness, etc.
  • Section 3 – Predictive Analysis: Predicts and gives instructions to the farmers about what should be done for better quality and life of the crops, by using the information received by the sensors alongside information of future weather forecasts and prior knowledge of crop needs.
  • Section 4 – News Feed: This allows our users to come together and post updates on their requirements, needs, and current happenings.

Features and Applications: We acknowledge the need to create an app with a minimalistic interface to help our farmers navigate through the app easily, we plan to split and club these features as and where possible:

1. Awareness Section:

  • A page devoted to techniques explaining different types of advanced techniques that one can use in agriculture such as crop rotation and its benefits etc.
  • Policies of the government that provide support and/or subsidiaries for farmers.
  • Programmes that have recently come up that could help these farmers which could be due to changing circumstances such as COVID19 etc.
  • NGOs, websites and other contacts that may be of help to the farmers listed for them to reach out to.
  • Other educational/informative material.

2. Real-Time Data:

  • Displays real-time details of humidity, temperature, and soil moisture using sensors placed at the field.
  • If any of the above conditions are beyond a certain limit (limit is either specified by the farmer or pre-determined by applying machine learning algorithms to previous data), the app will automatically send push notifications.
  • This data can be sent for the processing which will lead them to functionalities/applications explained in section 3.

3. Predictive Analysis:

  • Combines information gathered through weather forecasts, prior information about the crop, and real-time details to give important instructions such as extra water needed, infections, harvest time, etc.

4. News Feed:

  • Gives the timing and place of the post, helping our users better segregate who they can/want to reach out to and help/discuss with.

5. Comfort enhancing features:

  • Making the app have a feature of multiple languages, which helps us overcome the language barrier.  (Currently, we have both Hindi and English options available.)

Tools and Technologies Used:

  • Application Development: Flutter and Firebase
  • Sensors: pH sensors, agricultural temperature sensors, Electrochemical Sensors, Optical Sensors
  • ML: OpenCV for image processing, Sci kit library for classifying data and prediction, Neural Networks to learn from observational data. (More technologies may be used according to need/to better the implementation of the proposed solution.)
  • Database: Google’s Firestore for authentication and storage.
  • Languages used: Dart, Python, and its required libraries/modules.
  • Development environments: Android Studio, VS Code, Git

Output: Here are some screenshots of the current model, in progress: 

Project Application in Real-Life:

  • Increased produce and overall productivity due to the constant knowledge being provided to them for use.
  • Helps aid the issue of sustainable development and future planning
  • The use of automated systems will give our farmers more time on their hands and increase their efficiency.

Link to Github repository (in progress):

Gif Demo: 

The proposal as a product: The use of technology in today’s world is a gift, we need to start utilizing it to our advantage completely.
The product would be coming as the app along with the sensors, software+hardware. We intend to let it help the farmers increase their produce whilst using their time with at most productivity. As case studies show that awareness is of utmost importance in any field, we aim to help our farmers receive the right kind of materials/information. We hope that our product will be able to help smoothen the paths of farmers and redefine primitive agricultural methods!  

Team Members:

  • Tinku Choudhary
  • Shatakchi Sahay
  • Ishan Kumar

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