Project Idea | Knowledge Value

Project Title: Knowledge Value


We face this problem every day. We search on YouTube for a video related to our projects and/or studies but end up getting distracted by advertisements, promotional videos, music videos or any other type of video and then after an hour or two we realize that we wasted our time and regret afterward. This reduces our productivity and also makes us mentally tired to watch more videos regarding our subject. While making our projects, we too were distracted by them.

We tried to come up with a solution to solve this problem. Knowledge Value (KV) is a chrome-extension that tries to overcome this problem by assigning a knowledge value to videos. The higher the percentage, higher the education value and thus we can keep a check what to watch.

Conceptual framework:

We made a chrome-extension which is seamlessly integrated into YouTube interface and provides you information about the knowledge and education content in the video. This will, in turn, keep you focused. First Knowledge Value scrapes through a video’s linked directory to find and evaluate the content-category (i.e. Educational, Entertainment, Sports) and build a rating from there. It refers to a list which has been obtained from sentiment analysis and word cloud generation for YouTube. This enhances the ratings and keeps it real.


Flow Diagram

Greedy algorithm search


Tools Used:

  • Python3
  • Vanilla JavaScript
  • XML parsing
  • HTML
  • Big Huge Labs API


It can act as a self-checking mechanism and prevent us from getting distracted by unwanted and promotional videos. This will increase productivity and keep us on track and prevent mental tiredness. It can be used in office environment and in institutions.

Link to GitHub repository:

Link to YouTube video:

Team Members:

  • Sayak Kundu
  • Anurag Mehta
  • Gulshan Mittal
  • Parth Partani

Note: This project idea is contributed for ProGeek Cup 2.0- A project competition by w3wiki.

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