Project Idea – Healthcare App

As there is an old saying that “Prevention is Better than to Cure Something”. So Inspired by this saying we multiplexed 3 problem statements and deploy them into a single platform i.e an App.

Problems Statements

  • Peoples are unaware of precautions and protective measures of illness in which they are suffering due to this the same illness will be transformed into a Major Disease which is painful and threatening at the same time.
  • Due to the modern era, people are unconnected like sons and daughters separated from Parents due to higher studies or jobs or settling with their Families, etc. due to this anyone who is living alone and helpless needs emergent help especially those who are suffering from health issues.
  • Also in the modern era, people have no time for Jogging and Running they will find an easy way for their health which might be good for their physical wellness but very painful for their internal wellness. For Example, People prefer to go to Jym instead of Walking. According to Scientific Research, Running or Jogging in an open place will burn more calories at a faster pace than Indoor Gymming. Also, Running will help to strengthen bone health but Gym can cause bone damage if it is done in an excessive manner.


As we discuss the problems, now we will explain how these problems can be solved?

  • So, We will create an Application where Precautions and protective measures are explained in the form of Animation so that users will easily understand and apply them.  For Example: Before the Heart Attack, there are various symptoms like pain in the left hand and it will reach to shoulder and then next. So if somehow a patient call for an Ambulance but if the hospital is not present nearby so for that a Prevention technique will be used which is CPR (Cardiopulmonary resuscitation). So, Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is an emergency procedure that combines chest compressions often with artificial ventilation in an effort to manually preserve intact brain function until further measures are taken to restore spontaneous blood circulation and breathing in a person who is in cardiac arrest. So this will increase the chances that the patient will recover fastly.
  • Also for the 2nd Problem, the solution is, As we know our youth is ready to help like NCC, NSS cadets and other Person is ready to help but due to lack of communication among Helper and Help Seeker it becomes difficult for them to help. So we will integrate the Feature of Location in our Application so that nearby whoever requires help will get help instantly.
  • For the 3rd Problem, Our Solution is Charity-based Jogging which is implemented in New York. So, In this tracker is enabled and the app tracks how much this person runs per Km charity is provided to the NGOs and Needy Person by Health and Fitness based companies and other top MNC’s. So due to this more  People’s will start Jogging and Running as doing Charity by fitting oneself motivates them.

Tools and Technology Used

  • User Interface Designing: XML in Android
  • For Functioning of User Interface: Kotlin
  • Database: sqlite
  • Others:  Retrofit Library in Android, Glide Dependencies in Android, Firebase for Authentication, Graphs-based Algorithms, Data Structures, GPS Navigation in android.
  • Version Control System: Git/Github


Step 1: Initially our apps Splash Screen will show for 2-3 seconds as shown:

Step one

Step 2: A Home Screen Will Appear where Login / Sin Up through different modes are available and this is done with the help of firebase.

Step 3: After Sin up and sign in, our home page will appear  as shown below, In this, all 3 problems  Solution are provided in the form of Card Views:

Step 4: So when we click on Prevention below functions will appear as shown:

Step 5: So when we click GPS Navigation the below function will appear:

Step 6: When Last CardView Charity based Jogging is clicked the below functionality will be seen

Application in Real Life

  • More People will start Jogging and Running as doing Charity by fitting oneself motivates them.
  • Helps the needy People by helping themselves.
  • One can maintain oneself health by following the precautions and protective measures provided for their illness.
  • Encourage Youth to help nearly people’s and encourage Unity among peoples.
  • Person’s will recover themselves from minor illness instead of suffering from a dangerous disease.

Faculty Advisor: Dr. Ankit Bansal, HOD of CSE Department  

Team Member:

  • Jagroop Singh 
  • Navdeep Kaur

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