Project Euler

What is Project Euler?
Project Euler is a series of challenging problems that require mathematical and programming skills. Somebody who enjoys learning new area of mathematics, project Euler is going to be a fun journey.

Where are the problems ?
The problems are right here in their official archive.

Let’s solve a problem from the archive and understand its complexity. Randomly I have chosen Problem no 116.
Problem 116 : Red, green or blue tiles
Problem Statement

A red tile is of length 2, green is of length 3 and blue is of length 4.

Since, we need to count total ways for 50 units of black colored square tiles, say k = 50.

def E_116(i, k):
    ways = [1] * i + [0] * (k-i+1)
    for j in range(i, k+1):
        ways[j] += ways[j - 1] + ways[j - i]
    return ways[k] - 1

Here, we are initializing our function E_116() which holds the logic of the solution to the problem.The function E_116() has two parameters i = number of black coloured square tiles covered by the new coloured (red, green or blue) tiles and k = total number of black coloured square tiles.
In the function,

ways = [1] * i + [0] * (k-i+1)

So, ways is a list which holds the total number of ways which the i length block can cover 50 black coloured square tiles.For e.g:

In the above example x = [1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0] , has 1 (x3) and 0 (x3) , where 1 represents possible solution case and 0 represents failure.As we can compare for i = 3 and k = 5 from the question, we get total 3 possible ways.Hence there are 1 (x3) in the list, ways.

for j in range(i, k+1):
        ways[j] += ways[j - 1] + ways[j - i]

Using the for loop we are iterating from i to 50, we have written k+1 since iterating in the loop through range() will exclude the last case.In ways[j] += ways[j – 1] + ways[j – i], we are updating the jth index of the list ways with the summation of (j-1) and (j+i)th index’s value and also the jth index value (Since +=).
These are the possible values of j, for i=3 and k =5.

Finally we return our list as return ways[k] – 1.So, for i=3 and k=5, this gives the solution(i.e, Ans = 3)

Lastly in our code,

print("Number of black tiles =", k, "units")
print("Number of ways to fill:", E_116(2, k) + E_116(3, k) + E_116(4, k))

We print away our result using the print() function. The first statement prints Number of black tiles = 50 and the second statement prints Number of ways to fill: 20492570929 which is the desired answer to the problem.

# Project Euler Problem 116
k = 50
def E_116(i, k):
    ways = [1] * i + [0] * (k-i+1)
    for j in range(i, k+1):
        ways[j] += ways[j - 1] + ways[j - i]
    return ways[k] - 1
print("Number of black tiles =", k, "units")
print("Number of ways to fill:", E_116(2, k) + E_116(3, k) + E_116(4, k))


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