Program to Find the Largest Number using Ternary Operator

The task is to write a program to find the largest number using ternary operator among: 

  • Two Numbers
  • Three Numbers
  • Four Numbers


Input : 10, 20 
Output : 
Largest number between two numbers (10, 20) is: 20

Input : 25 75 55 15
Output : 
Largest number among four numbers (25, 75, 55, 15) is: 75

A Ternary Operator has the following form,

exp1 ? exp2 : exp3

The expression exp1 will be evaluated always. Execution of exp2 and exp3 depends on the outcome of exp1. If the outcome of exp1 is non zero then exp2 will be evaluated, otherwise, exp3 will be evaluated.


// C++ program to find largest among
// two numbers using ternary operator
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
    // Variable declaration
    int n1 = 5, n2 = 10, max;
    // Largest among n1 and n2
    max = (n1 > n2) ? n1 : n2;
    // Print the largest number
    cout << "Largest number between "
         << n1 << " and " << n2
         << " is " << max << ".";
    return 0;
// This code is contributed by khushboogoyal499


// C program to find largest among two
// numbers using ternary operator
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
    // variable declaration
    int n1 = 5, n2 = 10, max;
    // Largest among n1 and n2
    max = (n1 > n2) ? n1 : n2;
    // Print the largest number
    printf("Largest number between %d and %d is %d. ",
                                         n1, n2, max);
    return 0;


// Java program to find largest
// among two numbers using
// ternary operator
class GFG
public static void main(String args[])
    // variable declaration
    int n1 = 5, n2 = 10, max;
    // Largest among n1 and n2
    max = (n1 > n2) ? n1 : n2;
    // Print the largest number
    System.out.println("Largest number between " + n1 +
                  " and " + n2 + " is " + max + ". " );
// This code is contributed by Arnab Kundu


# Python3 program to find largest
# between two numbers using
# Ternary Operator.
# As python doesn't have ternary operator,
# we use conditional expression,
# form of conditional expression:
# exp1 if condition else exp2
# if condition is true then exp1
# is evaluated otherwise exp2
# max is library function to find
# the maximum number, so can't use
# max as variable
n1 = 5
n2 = 10
mx = n1 if n1 > n2 else n2
# we also can use
# mx=(n1>n2) and n1 or n2
# str() function is used to
# convert integer to string,
# it is required as we are
# concatenating integers with string
print("Largest number between " + str(n1) +
                        " and " + str(n2) +
                        " is " + str(mx))
# This code is contributed by Santanu


// C# program to find largest
// among two numbers using
// ternary operator using System;
using System;
class GFG
public static void Main()
    // variable declaration
    int n1 = 5, n2 = 10, max;
    // Largest among n1 and n2
    max = (n1 > n2) ? n1 : n2;
    // Print the largest number
    Console.WriteLine("Largest number between " +
                     n1 + " and " + n2 + " is " +
                                    max + ". " );
// This code is contributed
// by Subhadeep


// PHP program to find largest
// among two numbers using
// ternary operator
// variable declaration
$n1 = 5; $n2 = 10;
// Largest among n1 and n2
$max = ($n1 > $n2) ? $n1 : $n2;
// Print the largest number
echo "Largest number between " .
     $n1. " and " .$n2 ." is " . $max;
// This code is contributed
// by Akanksha Rai(Abby_akku)


// Javascript program to find largest among
// two numbers using ternary operator
// Variable declaration
var n1 = 5, n2 = 10, max;
// Largest among n1 and n2
max = (n1 > n2) ? n1 : n2;
// Print the largest number
document.write("Largest number between "
    + n1 + " and " + n2
    + " is " + max + ".");


Largest number between 5 and 10 is 10.


  • Program to find the largest number among three numbers using ternary operator.


// C++ program to find largest among three
// numbers using ternary operator
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
    // Variable declaration
    int n1 = 5, n2 = 10, n3 = 15, max;
    // Largest among n1, n2 and n3
    max = (n1 > n2) ?
          (n1 > n3 ? n1 : n3) :
          (n2 > n3 ? n2 : n3);
    // Print the largest number
    cout << "Largest number among "
         << n1 << ", " << n2 << " and "
         << n3 << " is " << max << "." ;
    return 0;
// This code is contributed by khushboogoyal499


// C program to find largest among three
// numbers using ternary operator
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
    // variable declaration
    int n1 = 5, n2 = 10, n3 = 15, max;
    // Largest among n1, n2 and n3
    max = (n1 > n2) ? (n1 > n3 ? n1 : n3) : (n2 > n3 ? n2 : n3);
    // Print the largest number
    printf("Largest number among %d, %d and %d is %d.",
                                         n1, n2, n3, max);
    return 0;


// Java program to find largest
// among three numbers using
// ternary operator
class GFG
public static void main(String args[])
    // variable declaration
    int n1 = 5, n2 = 10, n3 = 15, max;
    // Largest among n1, n2 and n3
    max = (n1 > n2) ?
          (n1 > n3 ? n1 : n3) :
          (n2 > n3 ? n2 : n3);
    // Print the largest number
    System.out.println("Largest number among " + n1 +
                             ", " + n2 + " and " + n3 +
                                 " is " + max + ". " );
// This code is contributed
// by Arnab Kundu


# Python3 program to find largest
# among three numbers using
# ternary operator
# As python doesn't have ternary
# operator, we use conditional
# expression, in form of
# conditional expression:
# Here, mx is a variable
n1 = 5
n2 = 10
n3 = 15
mx = (n1 if (n1 > n2 and n1 > n3) else
     (n2 if (n2 > n1 and n2 > n3) else n3))
# We also can use
# mx=(n1>n2) and n1 or n2
# str() function is used to
# convert integer to string,
# it is required as we are
# concatenating integers with string
print("Largest number among " + str(n1) +
                        " , " + str(n2) +
                      " and " + str(n3) +
                       " is " + str(mx))
# This code is contributed by Santanu


// C# program to find largest
// number among three numbers
// using ternary operator
using System;
class GFG
public static void Main()
    // variable declaration
    int n1 = 5, n2 = 10, n3 = 15, max;
    // Largest among n1 and n2
    max = (n1 > n2 && n1 > n2) ?
                n1 : (n2 > n3) ? n2 : n3;
    // Print the largest number
    Console.WriteLine("Largest number among " +
                     n1 + ", " + n2 + " and " +
                            n3 + " is " + max);
// This code is contributed by Santanu


// PHP program to find largest among three
// numbers using ternary operator
// variable declaration
$n1 = 5; $n2 = 10; $n3 = 15;
// Largest among n1, n2 and n3
$max = ($n1 > $n2) ? ($n1 > $n3 ? $n1 : $n3) :
                     ($n2 > $n3 ? $n2 : $n3);
// Print the largest number
echo "Largest number among ". $n1 . ", ". $n2 .
                   " and " . $n3. " is " .$max;


// Javascript program to find largest among three
// numbers using ternary operator
// Variable declaration
var n1 = 5, n2 = 10, n3 = 15, max;
// Largest among n1, n2 and n3
max = (n1 > n2) ?
      (n1 > n3 ? n1 : n3) :
      (n2 > n3 ? n2 : n3);
// Print the largest number
document.write( "Largest number among "
     + n1 + ", " + n2 + " and "
     + n3 + " is " + max + "." );


Largest number among 5, 10 and 15 is 15.



// C++ program to find largest
// number among four numbers
// using ternary operator
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
    // Variable declaration
    int n1 = 5, n2 = 10, n3 = 15, n4 = 20, max;
    // Largest among n1, n2, n3 and n4
    max = (n1 > n2 && n1 > n3 && n1 > n4) ?
               n1 : ((n2 > n3 && n2 > n4) ?
               n2 : (n3 > n4 ? n3 : n4));
    // Print the largest number
    cout << "Largest number among "
         << n1 << ", " << n2 << ", "
         << n3 << " and " << n4
         << " is " << max << "." ;
    return 0;
// This code is contributed by khushboogoyal499


// C program to find largest among four
// numbers using ternary operator
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
    // variable declaration
    int n1 = 5, n2 = 10, n3 = 15, n4 = 20, max;
    // Largest among n1, n2, n3 and n4
    max = (n1 > n2 && n1 > n3 && n1 > n4) ?
                                   n1 :
                                     ((n2 > n3 && n2 > n4) ?
                                                         n2 :
                                                          (n3 > n4 ? n3 : n4));
    // Print the largest number
    printf("Largest number among %d, %d, %d and %d is %d.",
                                         n1, n2, n3, n4, max);
    return 0;


// Java program to find largest
// among four numbers using
// ternary operator
class GFG
public static void main(String args[])
    // variable declaration
    int n1 = 5, n2 = 10,
        n3 = 15, n4 = 20, max;
    // Largest among n1, n2, n3 and n4
    max = (n1 > n2 && n1 > n3 && n1 > n4) ?
               n1 : ((n2 > n3 && n2 > n4) ?
               n2 : (n3 > n4 ? n3 : n4));
    // Print the largest number
    System.out.println("Largest number among " +
                      n1 + ", " + n2 + ", "+ n3 +
             " and " + n4 + " is " + max + ". " );
// This code is contributed
// by Arnab Kundu


# Python3 program to find largest
# among four numbers using
# Ternary Operator.
# As python doesn't have ternary operator,
# we use conditional expression,
# form of conditional expression:
# exp1 if condition else exp2
# if condition is true then exp1
# is evaluated otherwise exp2
# max is library function to find
# the maximum number, so can't use
# max as variable
n1 = 5
n2 = 10
n3 = 15
n4 = 20
mx = (n1 if (n1 > n2 and n1 > n2 and n1 > n4)
         else (n2 if (n2 > n3 and n3 > n4)
         else (n3 if n3 > n4 else n4)))
# str() function is used to convert
# integer to string, it is required
# as we are concatenating integers
# with string
print("Largest number among " + str(n1) + ", " +
            str(n2) + ", " + str(n3) + " and " +
            str(n4) + " is " + str(mx))
# This code is contributed by Santanu


// C# program to find largest
// number among four numbers
// using ternary operator
using System;
class GFG
public static void Main()
    // variable declaration
    int n1 = 5, n2 = 10,
        n3 = 15, n4 = 20, max;
    // Largest among n1 and n2
    max = (n1 > n2 && n1 > n2 && n1 > n2) ?
                n1 : (n2 > n3 && n2 > n4) ?
                           n2 : (n3 > n4) ? n3 : n4;
    // Print the largest number
    Console.WriteLine("Largest number among " +
                        n1 + ", " + n2 + ", " +
                            n3 + " and " + n4 +
                                 " is " + max);
// This code is contributed by Santanu


// PHP program to find largest among four
// numbers using ternary operator
// variable declaration
$n1 = 5; $n2 = 10; $n3 = 15; $n4 = 20;
// Largest among n1, n2, n3 and n4
$max = ($n1 > $n2 && $n1 > $n3 && $n1 > $n4) ?
             $n1 : (($n2 > $n3 && $n2 > $n4) ?
             $n2 : ($n3 > $n4 ? $n3 : $n4));
// Print the largest number
echo "Largest number among ". $n1. ", ". $n2. ", ".
                  $n3" and ". $n4. " is " .$max;


// javascript program to find largest
// among four numbers using
// ternary operator    
        // variable declaration
        var n1 = 5, n2 = 10, n3 = 15, n4 = 20, max;
        // Largest among n1, n2, n3 and n4
        max = (n1 > n2 && n1 > n3 && n1 > n4)
        ? n1 : ((n2 > n3 && n2 > n4)
        ? n2 : (n3 > n4 ? n3 : n4));
        // Print the largest number
        document.write("Largest number among " + n1
        + ", " + n2 + ", " + n3 + " and "
        + n4 + " is " + max + ". ");
// This code is contributed by todaysgaurav


Largest number among 5, 10, 15 and 20 is 20.


For all the above programs :

Time Complexity: O(1)

Auxiliary Space: O(1)

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