Program to convert KiloBytes to Bytes and Bits

Given Number of Kilobytes. The task is to Convert them into Bytes and Bits.
Bit: A Bit is the basic unit in computer information and has only two different values, normally defined as a 0 or 1. These values can be interpreted as on or off, yes or no, true or false, etc. It just depends on the binary code.
Add 1 bit, double the number of patterns.

1 bit – 2 patterns i.e 0 and 1
2 bits – 4 patterns i.e 00, 01, 10, 11
3 bits – 8 patterns i.e 000, 001, 010, 011, 100, 101, 110, 111 

Mathematically: n bits yields 2n patterns.
Bytes: A Byte is just 8 Bits and is the smallest unit of memory that can be addressed in many computer systems.

Important points about Bytes:

  • One byte can store one character, e.g. ‘A’ or ‘x’ or ‘$’ etc.
  • 1 byte i.e 8 bits can make 256 different patterns.
  • One byte can hold a number between 0 and 255.
  • Different Form:-
    1. Kilobyte, KB, about 1 thousand bytes.
    2. Megabyte, MB, about 1 million bytes.
    3. Gigabyte, GB, about 1 billion bytes.
    4. Terabyte, TB, about 1 trillion bytes


Input: kilobytes = 1
Output: 1 Kilobytes = 1024 Bytes and 8192 Bits.

Input: kilobytes = 8
Output: 8 Kilobytes = 8192 Bytes and 65536 Bits.

Below is the program to convert KilloBytes to Bytes and Bits:


// C++ implementation of above program
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// Function to calculates the bits
long Bits(int kilobytes)
    long Bits = 0;
    // calculates Bits
    // 1 kilobytes(s) = 8192 bits
    Bits = kilobytes * 8192;
    return Bits;
// Function to calculates the bytes
long Bytes(int kilobytes)
    long Bytes = 0;
    // calculates Bytes
    // 1 KB = 1024 bytes
    Bytes = kilobytes * 1024;
    return Bytes;
// Driver code
int main()
    int kilobytes = 1;
    cout << kilobytes << " Kilobytes = "
         << Bytes(kilobytes) << " Bytes and "
         << Bits(kilobytes) << " Bits.";
    return 0;


// Java implementation of above program
import java.util.*;
import java.lang.*;
import java.math.BigInteger;
class GFG
// Function to calculates the bits
static BigInteger Bits(int kilobytes)
    BigInteger  Bits = new BigInteger("0");
    // calculates Bits
    // 1 kilobytes(s) = 8192 bits
    BigInteger kilo = BigInteger.valueOf(kilobytes);
    Bits = kilo.multiply(BigInteger.valueOf(8192));
    return Bits;
// Function to calculates the bytes
static BigInteger Bytes(int kilobytes)
    BigInteger Bytes = new BigInteger("0");
    // calculates Bytes
    // 1 KB = 1024 bytes
   BigInteger kilo = BigInteger.valueOf(kilobytes);
   Bytes = kilo.multiply(BigInteger.valueOf(1024));
    return Bytes;
// Driver code
public static void main(String args[])
    int kilobytes = 1;
    System.out.print(kilobytes + " Kilobytes = "
         + Bytes(kilobytes) + " Bytes and "
         + Bits(kilobytes) + " Bits.");


# Python implementation of above program
# Function to calculates the bits
def Bits(kilobytes) :
    # calculates Bits
    # 1 kilobytes(s) = 8192 bits
    Bits = kilobytes * 8192
    return Bits
# Function to calculates the bytes
def Bytes(kilobytes) :
    # calculates Bytes
    # 1 KB = 1024 bytes
    Bytes = kilobytes * 1024
    return Bytes
# Driver code
if __name__ == "__main__" :
    kilobytes = 1
    print(kilobytes, "Kilobytes =",
    Bytes(kilobytes) , "Bytes and",
    Bits(kilobytes), "Bits")
# This code is contributed by ANKITRAI1


// C# implementation of above program
using System;
class GFG
// Function to calculates the bits
static long Bits(int kilobytes)
    long Bits = 0;
    // calculates Bits
    // 1 kilobytes(s) = 8192 bits
    Bits = kilobytes * 8192;
    return Bits;
// Function to calculates the bytes
static long Bytes(int kilobytes)
    long Bytes = 0;
    // calculates Bytes
    // 1 KB = 1024 bytes
    Bytes = kilobytes * 1024;
    return Bytes;
// Driver code
static public void Main ()
    int kilobytes = 1;
    Console.WriteLine (kilobytes +" Kilobytes = "+
                 Bytes(kilobytes) + " Bytes and "+
                  Bits(kilobytes) + " Bits.");
// This code is contributed by Sach_Code


// PHP implementation of above program
// Function to calculates the bits
function Bits($kilobytes)
    $Bits = 0;
    // calculates Bits
    // 1 kilobytes(s) = 8192 bits
    $Bits = $kilobytes * 8192;
    return $Bits;
// Function to calculates the bytes
function Bytes($kilobytes)
    $Bytes = 0;
    // calculates Bytes
    // 1 KB = 1024 bytes
    $Bytes = $kilobytes * 1024;
    return $Bytes;
// Driver code
$kilobytes = 1;
echo $kilobytes;
echo (" Kilobytes = ");
echo Bytes($kilobytes);
echo (" Bytes and ");
echo Bits($kilobytes);
echo (" Bits.");
// This code is contributed
// by Shivi_Aggarwal


// Javascript implementation of above program
function Bits(kilobytes)
    var Bits = 0;
    // Calculates Bits
    // 1 kilobytes(s) = 8192 bits
    Bits = kilobytes * 8192;
    return Bits;
// Function to calculates the bytes
function Bytes(kilobytes)
    var Bytes = 0;
    // Calculates Bytes
    // 1 KB = 1024 bytes
    Bytes = kilobytes * 1024;
    return Bytes;
// Driver code
var kilobytes = 1;
document.write(kilobytes + " Kilobytes = " +
               Bytes(kilobytes) + " Bytes and " +
               Bits(kilobytes) + " Bits.");
// This code is contributed by akshitsaxenaa09


1 Kilobytes = 1024 Bytes and 8192 Bits.


Time Complexity: O(1)

Auxiliary Space: O(1)

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